Welcome to Malahide

Malahide is a wonderful townland in County Dublin, Ireland. It's full of history and fun stories! Do you know, Malahide has a grand castle that was built nearly 800 years ago?

Imagine, once upon a time, a brave knight named Sir Richard Talbot was given this land by the King of England. Sir Richard built the magnificent Malahide Castle, which stayed with his family for over 800 years. Unfortunately, the Talbots had a tough time when a big fight, called the Battle of the Boyne, happened in 1690. All the Talbot men went to the battle, but sadly, only one came back.

Even though it has seen many sad times, Malahide Castle is not a gloomy place. It's surrounded by beautiful gardens where you can see butterflies flutter and hear birds chirping.

Today, people from all over the world visit this castle to learn about its rich history and enjoy the beauty of Malahide. So, Malahide isn't just a townland, it's a place where stories from the past live on. Hopefully, you can visit someday and make your own memories there too!

  1. Who was Sir Richard Talbot?
  2. What big event happened in 1690?
  3. What can you see and hear in the gardens of Malahide Castle?
  4. Why do you think the Malahide Castle is important to the town of Malahide?
  5. If you could visit the Malahide Castle, what is one thing you would like to do or see? Explain why.

All About Malahide

Welcome to Malahide, a beautiful seaside village in County Dublin, Ireland! It's a magical place with lots to see and learn about. Malahide is known for its stunning coastline, where you can watch boats bobbing up and down on the sea. The village is wrapped around a big Marina, where many boats are parked. There's also a lovely sandy beach where you can build the tallest sandcastles!

The village is filled with charming streets like New Street and Main Street. Here, you'll find lots of colourful shops, yummy restaurants, and even a fairy door trail! The most famous site is the Malahide Castle, a grand old castle surrounded by a beautiful park, perfect for exploring.

Nature is everywhere in Malahide. The park around the castle is home to many different trees, flowers, and animals. You might spot foxes, rabbits, and lots of birds. There's also an incredible butterfly house where you can see beautiful butterflies up close!

Malahide doesn't have any mountains or big rivers, but it does have a small stream called the Gaybrook Stream. It sparkles in the sunlight and rushes through the village on its way to the sea.

Remember, Malahide is a special place, full of nature, history, and fun adventures. It's waiting for you to explore!

  1. What is the most famous site in Malahide and what can you find there?
  2. Describe the geographical features of Malahide.
  3. Using a map of Malahide, can you identify and mark the locations of the Marina, Malahide Castle, and the Gaybrook Stream?
  4. List some of the animals and plants you might find in the park around Malahide Castle.
  5. Plan a visit to Malahide. What geographical features or places of interest would you like to explore? Why?

My Family and Malahide

Hi there! My name is Ollie and I'm 8 years old. I live in a really cool place called Malahide in Co. Dublin. Malahide is awesome because it has a big castle! Malahide Castle is super old, like even older than my granny. It's got a huge garden with lots of pretty flowers and sometimes, I like to pretend I'm a knight defending the castle from dragons.

There's also a marina where all the boats live. I like to watch them bob up and down on the water. One day, I want to learn how to sail and maybe even have my own boat.

My friends and I love to play in the park after school. There's a big playground with swings, slides and a pirate ship. Sometimes, we pretend we're pirates sailing the seven seas.

I also love going to the beach. It's really fun to build sandcastles and look for shells. If I'm lucky, I sometimes find really cool ones!

So, that's a little bit about me and where I live. It's a pretty cool place to grow up if you ask me!

  1. What is the name of the castle in Malahide?
  2. Why does Ollie enjoy visiting the marina?
  3. How does Ollie use his imagination when playing in the park?
  4. What activities does Ollie enjoy doing at the beach?
  5. How does Ollie feel about growing up in Malahide?

The Logainm of Malahide

Malahide is a lovely town in County Dublin, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish words "Mullach Íde". "Mullach" means hill and "Íde" is the name of a saint. So, Malahide means "the hill of Íde".

Long ago, there used to be a lot of hills in Malahide. The story goes that Saint Íde used to live on one of these hills. She was a kind woman who loved to help people. Over time, the hill where she lived became known as "Mullach Íde" or the hill of Íde. People started calling the whole area by this name.

Today, Malahide is a bustling town with lots of people, houses, and shops. But if you look closely, you can still see the hills that gave the town its name. Every time you say "Malahide", you're also remembering Saint Íde and the hill where she lived.

  1. What does the name "Malahide" mean in English?
  2. Who was Saint Íde?
  3. Why was the town named after a hill?
  4. What can you still see in Malahide that gave the town its name?
  5. How does saying the name "Malahide" help us remember its history?

Slideshow - Malahide
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Malahide