Lesson Plan 1: History of Magurk Co. Leitrim ```html
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 Hour Internet Access, History Books on Magurk Co. Leitrim Introduce the history of Magurk and the meaning of its name.
  • Activity 1: Students research the history of Magurk online.
  • Activity 2: Group discussion on the findings.
  • Activity 3: Students present their findings to the class.
Review the history of Magurk and discuss its significance. Check the students' understanding through Q&A.
``` Lesson Plan 2: Notable Person from Magurk Co. Leitrim ```html
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 Hour Internet Access, Books on notable person Introduce the notable person from Magurk.
  • Activity 1: Students research the notable person online.
  • Activity 2: Group discussion on the findings.
  • Activity 3: Students present their findings to the class.
Review the notable person's contributions to Magurk and its significance. Check the students' understanding through Q&A.
``` Lesson Plan 3: Geography of Magurk Co. Leitrim ```html
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 Hour Internet Access, Maps of Magurk Introduce the geography of Magurk.
  • Activity 1: Students study the map of Magurk.
  • Activity 2: Group discussion on the geographical features.
  • Activity 3: Students present their findings to the class.
Review the geography of Magurk and discuss its significance. Check the students' understanding through Q&A.
``` Lesson Plan 4: Mapping Skills of Magurk Co. Leitrim ```html
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 Hour Maps, Pencils, Papers Introduce the concept of mapping.
  • Activity 1: Students draft a map of Magurk.
  • Activity 2: Group discussion on the maps.
  • Activity 3: Students present their maps to the class.
Review the maps and discuss their accuracy. Check the students' understanding through Q&A.
``` Lesson Plan 5: Biodiversity of Magurk Co. Leitrim ```html
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 Hour Internet Access, Biodiversity Books Introduce the biodiversity of Magurk.
  • Activity 1: Students research the biodiversity of Magurk.
  • Activity 2: Group discussion on the findings.
  • Activity 3: Students present their findings to the class.
Review the biodiversity of Magurk and discuss ways to protect it. Check the students' understanding through Q&A.
``` Lesson Plan 6: Visual Arts Inspired by Magurk Co. Leitrim ```html
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1 Hour Art Supplies Introduce the idea of using local area as inspiration for art.
  • Activity 1: Students create art inspired by Magurk.
  • Activity 2: Group discussion on the artwork.
  • Activity 3: Students present their artwork to the class.
Review the artwork and discuss the inspiration behind them. Check the students' understanding through Q&A.