Welcome to Magheranure

Magheranure is a special place in County Cavan, Ireland. Even though it's not very big, it's filled with lots of history!

Long, long ago, people lived here and worked on farms. They grew their own food and took care of animals. Over time, the farms grew bigger, and more people came to live in Magheranure. These people built homes, schools, and shops. This is how the townland we know today was formed.

Although there are no famous battles or big events that happened in Magheranure, that doesn't make it any less important! Every place has its own unique story. In Magheranure, it's the story of hardworking people who loved their land and community.

Today, Magheranure is a peaceful place with beautiful green fields and friendly people. The history of this townland may not seem exciting like a superhero movie, but it's a real story of real people. And that makes Magheranure a very special place!

Remember, history isn't just about big events and famous people. It's also about everyday life and the changes that happen over time. And that's what the story of Magheranure is all about!

  1. What kind of work did the people in Magheranure do long ago?
  2. What makes Magheranure a special place today?
  3. What is the unique story of Magheranure?
  4. Why do you think it's important to learn about the history of a place like Magheranure?
  5. If you lived in Magheranure long ago, how do you think your life would be different from now?

All About Magheranure

Magheranure is a charming little town in County Cavan, Ireland. Imagine it like a colourful painting filled with beautiful sights. It's nestled among green rolling hills and fields, just like a gem hidden in a treasure box.

One of the most interesting things about Magheranure is its natural beauty. There are lots of different types of wildlife, like birds, rabbits, and foxes. Don't forget about the beautiful flowers and plants! If you are lucky, you might even spot a sly fox or hear the delightful chirping of a robin.

In Magheranure, you won't find big skyscrapers or busy streets. Instead, you'll see lovely homes and farms. You can imagine all the fun adventures you could have exploring the fields and hills!

The town is crisscrossed by little streams that flow into the bigger River Erne. Imagine it like a network of blue ribbons tying the town together. This river is home to many types of fish, making it a fun place for fishing.

There aren't any mountains in Magheranure, but the rolling hills make up for it! These hills are like giant green waves that you can run up and down.

In Magheranure, every day is a new adventure waiting to happen. It's a magical place where the beauty of nature is always at your doorstep..

  1. What types of wildlife can you find in Magheranure?
  2. Describe the physical landscape of Magheranure. What types of natural features does it have?
  3. Using a map of County Cavan, locate Magheranure. What towns or cities is it near? What kind of geographical features surround it?
  4. Why do you think the River Erne is important to the people of Magheranure?
  5. Plan a trip to Magheranure. What kind of geographical features would you like to explore? Write a brief itinerary for your adventure.

My Family and Magheranure

Hi, I'm Emery and I just turned 8! I live in a beautiful place called Magheranure, Co. Cavan. It's super cool and I love it here! We have this amazing place called the Castle Lake Forest. It's so big and full of trees, I like to go there and play hide and seek with my friends. Sometimes, we even see deer and rabbits, it's so fun!

There's also this river called the River Annalee that flows by Magheranure. My dad told me that it's one of the longest rivers in Ireland. I like to sit by the river and watch the ducks swim. It's really peaceful.

My favorite place to visit is the Ballyhaise Agricultural College. It's not a regular school, it's a school for farming. They have lots of animals like cows and sheep. I love to watch them and sometimes, they even let me feed them!

My house is surrounded by green fields and it's so beautiful. My mom and I often go for walks in the evening. It's really quiet and I can hear the birds singing. I feel really lucky to grow up in Magheranure, Co. Cavan.

  1. Can you name the places Emery likes to visit in Magheranure, Co. Cavan?
  2. Why does Emery like to go to the Castle Lake Forest?
  3. What does Emery do by the River Annalee?
  4. What animals does Emery see at the Ballyhaise Agricultural College?
  5. What does Emery hear when they go for walks in the evening with their mom?

The Logainm of Magheranure

Magheranure is a special place in County Cavan, Ireland. The word Magheranure comes from the Irish language. It's made up of two parts: 'Maghera', which means 'plain' and 'Iúr' which means 'yew tree'. So, in English, Magheranure means 'plain of the yew tree'. Yew trees are very old and were considered sacred in ancient times.

Many years ago, people in Ireland spoke only Irish, and they named places after things they saw or stories they knew. So, maybe there was a plain with lots of yew trees in Magheranure! Over time, people started to use English more and more, but the old Irish names stuck around. That's why we still call this place Magheranure.

Today, even though most people in Magheranure speak English, the name reminds us of the old Irish language and the history of the place. It's like a secret message from the past, telling us about how things used to be. Who knows, maybe you will visit Magheranure one day and see a yew tree on a plain!

  1. What does the name Magheranure mean in English?
  2. What does 'Maghera' mean? What about 'Iúr'?
  3. Why do you think places in Ireland have Irish names?
  4. What does the name Magheranure tell us about the place's past?
  5. Can you think of a reason why the name Magheranure is still used today, even though most people there speak English?

Slideshow - Magheranure
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Magheranure