Here is your HTML table with 6 lesson plans: ```html
Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Longridge 60 Minutes Books on local history, Internet access Introduction to the history of Longridge and significance of its place name
  • Discussion on the origin of the place name
  • Timeline activity of key events in Longridge's history
  • Research task on a particular historical event
Summarise the history of Longridge Short quiz about the history of Longridge
2: Notable Person 60 Minutes Books, Internet access Introduction to a notable person from/near Longridge
  • Discussion on the notable person's life and achievements
  • Role-play activity depicting a day in the life of the notable person
  • Biography writing task
Summarise the notable person's influence on Longridge Presentation of biography
3: Geography of Longridge 60 Minutes Maps, Internet access Introduction to the geographic features of Longridge
  • Discussion on Longridge's rivers, mountains, etc
  • Matching activity with geographic features and their names
  • Drawing task of a geographic feature
Summarise the geography of Longridge Quiz on Longridge's geographic features
4: Mapping Skills 60 Minutes Maps, Drawing materials Introduction to mapping skills using Longridge as an example
  • Discussion on how to read a map
  • Mapping exercise of Longridge
  • Task to create their own map of Longridge
Summarise the importance of mapping skills Assessment of created maps
5: Biodiversity of Longridge 60 Minutes Internet access, Local flora and fauna guides Introduction to the biodiversity of Longridge
  • Discussion on local flora and fauna
  • Scavenger hunt for different species
  • Task to create a poster on protecting biodiversity
Summarise the importance of protecting biodiversity Assessment of created posters
6: Visual Arts 60 Minutes Art supplies Introduction to using the local area as a stimulus for art
  • Discussion on different artistic styles
  • Task to create a piece of art inspired by Longridge
  • Art critique activity
Summarise the importance of art in expressing one's view of a place Assessment of created art pieces
``` This is a basic layout and you can adjust according to your needs. Please note that the table is simplified and each section can be expanded upon to include more details.