Welcome to Longridge

Longridge is a small but special townland in County Wexford, Ireland. Long ago, before your great-great-grandparents were born, Longridge was just a wide-open green space with lots of animals like cows and sheep.

Around 200 years ago, people started to build their homes in Longridge. They used stones and other materials they found nearby. Imagine building your house with your own hands! They also started farms and grew their food. They planted potatoes, carrots, and lots of other yummy vegetables.

Even though Longridge is small, it's full of history. There aren't any big battles or famous kings from here, but each family has its own story to tell. Some families have lived in the same house for many generations.

So, even if Longridge might seem like just a small townland in County Wexford, it's much more than that. It's a place where people have lived, worked, and played for hundreds of years. Each house, each farm, each stone on the road has a story to tell. Isn't that amazing?

Remember, history isn't just about the big events; it's also about everyday life, just like in Longridge.

  1. What kind of animals used to live in Longridge long ago?
  2. What materials did people use to build their homes in Longridge 200 years ago?
  3. What kind of vegetables did people grow on their farms in Longridge?
  4. Why do you think the history of Longridge is special even though there were no big battles or famous kings?
  5. What does the story of Longridge tell us about the meaning of history?

All About Longridge

Longridge is a charming place in County Wexford, Ireland. It's a bit like a great big playground made by Mother Nature herself! There are many lovely streets in Longridge. One of the most famous is Main Street with its colourful houses, friendly shops, and the big Town Park where you can play and have picnics.

Longridge is also a treasure trove of nature's wonders. You'll see beautiful flowers like bluebells and buttercups, and trees like ash and oak. If you're quiet and patient, you might even spot a playful squirrel or a curious hedgehog! Street furniture like benches, lampposts, and even an old fashioned red post box make Longridge even more special. They're like little surprises waiting to be discovered!

The Slaney River flows near Longridge. This river is like a shiny ribbon weaving through the landscape. It's home to ducks, swans, and even some fish. On its banks, you might find children fishing or skipping stones. And don't forget the Blackstairs Mountains! They stand tall and proud, watching over Longridge. If you're up for an adventure, you could climb to the top and see the whole town below. It's a sight you'll never forget!

Longridge is a lovely place to explore and learn. There's always something new to discover!.

  1. What kind of street furniture can you find in Longridge?
  2. Name the river that flows near Longridge and describe what you might see there.
  3. What types of wildlife might you encounter in Longridge?
  4. Using a map of County Wexford, can you locate Longridge, the Slaney River, and the Blackstairs Mountains?
  5. Explore Longridge or your own local area. Can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text? Describe what it is and why it's interesting.

My Family and Longridge

Hi there! I'm Bailey, and I just turned 8 years old. I live in a really cool place called Longridge in County Wexford. It's a neat place to grow up because there's lots of fun things to do and see!

One of my favourite places is the Longridge Park. I love climbing on the jungle gym and sliding down the big slide. Sometimes, I even see squirrels running around which is really exciting!

There's also the Longridge Library that has so many books. I love going there with my Mom on Saturdays and picking out new stories to read. The library is in a big old building that looks like a castle, which makes it even more exciting to visit!

And then there's our Main Street. It has all kinds of shops and on Saturday mornings, there's a farmers market where we get fresh fruits and veggies. I love the smell of the bakery shop where we sometimes get a treat after school.

So, that's a little about me and where I live. Longridge is a great place to grow up and I can't wait to tell you more about it next time!

  1. What is Bailey's favourite place in Longridge and why?
  2. What does Bailey like to do at the library?
  3. Describe the building where the library is located in Longridge.
  4. What happens on Main Street on Saturday mornings?
  5. What does Bailey sometimes get after school?

The Logainm of Longridge

Longridge is a special place in County Wexford, Ireland. The name 'Longridge' gives us a clue about what this place may look like. In English, 'Longridge' means 'a long hill or ridge'. This name is perfect because it tells us that the land in this area is full of long hills and ridges!

Many years ago, people used names to describe what they saw. That's how Longridge got its name. These people would look at the long hills and ridges and think, "This place should be called Longridge." And over time, the name stuck!

Today, Longridge is still known for its beautiful hills and ridges. If you visit, you might see people walking, playing, or even having picnics on these long hills. The name Longridge reminds us of the history of this place and the people who named it all those years ago.

  1. What does the name 'Longridge' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think people long ago decided to call this place 'Longridge'?
  3. How does the name 'Longridge' tell us about what the land in this area looks like?
  4. What can you do on the long hills and ridges in Longridge today?
  5. How does the name Longridge connect us to the history of this place?

Slideshow - Longridge
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Longridge