Welcome to Longcourse

Longcourse is a special place with a unique story. It's not a big city with towering buildings, but a small townland with a rich history. Longcourse wasn't always called by this name. Long ago, it was just a wide stretch of land, where the early settlers made their homes.

The unique name "Longcourse" comes from these early days. The settlers noticed that the river running through their land took a long and winding course to reach the sea. They thought this was special and unique, so they named their new home after it. Isn't that cool?

The people of Longcourse have always been hard-working and kind. They've farmed the land, raised animals, and built their own homes for hundreds of years. They took care of each other and helped their neighbors. That's how communities were formed.

Even though no major historical event happened in Longcourse, the townland has its own simple and beautiful history. It's a place where people have lived, worked, laughed, and played for generations. Each day, they add a little more to the story of Longcourse. And who knows? Maybe one day, something very exciting will happen in Longcourse!

  1. What is the name of the place described in the story?
  2. How did Longcourse get its name?
  3. What did the people of Longcourse do for a living?
  4. Why do you think the people of Longcourse named their town after the river's course?
  5. If you could add something to the story of Longcourse, what would it be and why?

All About Longcourse

Welcome to the amazing world of Longcourse! This place is a wonderful mixture of nature and man-made beauty. Longcourse has a main street called Sunshine Street. It's a lively place where people love to shop and play. There's a famous park on Sunshine Street named Rainbow Park. It's filled with colorful benches and playful swings.

The town is surrounded by the Greenbelt Forest, which is home to many types of animals like squirrels, rabbits, and even the occasional deer! You can find beautiful oak and pine trees here. Plus, the forest has a carpet of wildflowers that bloom in spring.

Longcourse River flows through the town, sparkling under the sun. It's a great place for picnics and watching ducks swim. On the edge of town, there's the Whispering Hill. If you climb to the top, you can see the whole of Longcourse.

Longcourse is a place where nature and people live side by side. It's a town that shows us how beautiful our world can be. So, let's keep it clean and green..

  1. What is the name of the main street in Longcourse and what is it famous for?
  2. Describe the Greenbelt Forest and the types of wildlife you might find there.
  3. What is special about the Longcourse River?
  4. What can you see if you climb to the top of the Whispering Hill?
  5. Using a map, locate Sunshine Street, Rainbow Park, Greenbelt Forest, Longcourse River, and Whispering Hill. Can you find any other places of geographical interest in Longcourse?

My Family and Longcourse

Hi there! I'm Pat, and I'm 8 years old. I live in this really cool place named Longcourse. It's full of exciting things to see and do!

One of my favorite places is the Longcourse Park. It's huge and has lots of pretty flowers and trees. Oh, and there's a big lake where we can feed ducks! On sunny days, my friends and I love to play hide and seek there.

There's also the Longcourse Museum. It's got all sorts of things that are really, really old. I like the dinosaur fossils the most, they are so big and scary-looking!

My school is also pretty awesome. It's called Longcourse Primary, and it's right in the middle of the town. I like going to school because my teacher is nice, and I learn lots of new stuff every day.

Oh, and you can't forget about the Longcourse Market! There are always lots of yummy things to eat, like fresh fruits and homemade cookies. My mom gets our groceries there every week.

Well, that's a little about me and where I live. Longcourse is the best place ever!

  1. Can you tell me more about the dinosaur fossils in the Longcourse Museum?
  2. What games do you play with your friends in Longcourse Park?
  3. How does it feel to live in Longcourse?
  4. What do you learn in Longcourse Primary?
  5. What is your favorite thing to eat from the Longcourse Market?

The Logainm of Longcourse

Longcourse is a really cool word that comes from the Irish language. In Irish, it's called "An Chúrsa Fada". When we translate that into English, guess what it means? Yes, you're right! "The Long Course"! Isn't that fun?

Now, let's dive a little bit into history. A long time ago, people didn't have maps or GPS like we do now. They used landmarks and names of places to find their way. So, a place named Longcourse probably had a long road or a long journey that people had to take. It was like a big hint for travelers!

Today, Longcourse might not be a long journey for us with our cars and buses, but the name stuck. It reminds us of the old days when travel was not as easy as it is now. So, next time when you hear about a place with a funny name, remember, it might have an interesting story just like Longcourse!

  1. What does the name 'Longcourse' mean in English?
  2. Can you guess why places were named in a certain way a long time ago?
  3. What does the name 'Longcourse' tell us about the area?
  4. How has travel changed from the old days to now?
  5. Can you think of any other place names that might have a fun story?

Slideshow - Longcourse
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Longcourse