Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Listry Faha Co. Kerry 60 mins History books, Internet Access, Projector Introduce the history of Listry Faha Co. Kerry and the logainm of the placename. 1. Discussion on the history of the place.
2. Research activity on the logainm of the placename.
3. Presentation of their findings.
Summarize the history and importance of the place name. Oral questioning and presentation assessment.
2: Notable Person from the area 60 mins Biography books, Internet Access Introduce a notable person from near Listry Faha Co. Kerry: Tom Crean. 1. Reading activity about Tom Crean's life and achievements.
2. Group discussion on his impact.
3. Draw a timeline of his life.
Summarize the impact and importance of Tom Crean. Assessment of timeline and oral questioning.
3: Geography of the area 60 mins Maps, Internet Access, Photos of local geography Introduce the geography of Listry Faha Co. Kerry. 1. Study of maps and photos.
2. Discussion on the local rivers, mountains, etc.
3. Creation of their own geographical features map.
Summarize the geographical features of the area. Assessment of map creation and oral questioning.
4: Mapping Skills 60 mins Maps, Rulers, Pencils Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance. 1. Explanation and demonstration of mapping.
2. Practice activity where children draw their own maps.
3. Peer review of the maps created.
Summarize the importance of mapping skills. Assessment of the maps created and peer review.
5: Biodiversity of the area 60 mins Internet Access, Photos of local wildlife, Posters Introduce biodiversity and its importance. 1. Discussion on local biodiversity.
2. Research activity on protecting local biodiversity.
3. Creation of a poster advocating for biodiversity protection.
Summarize the importance of biodiversity and its protection. Assessment of poster and oral questioning.
6: Visual Arts lesson 60 mins Art supplies, Photos of local area Introduce the concept of using the local area as a stimulus for art. 1. Discussion on how local area can inspire art.
2. Creation of their own piece of art based on local area.
3. Display and discussion of the art created.
Summarize the importance of local area in inspiring art. Assessment of the art created and discussion.