Welcome to Listry

Listry is a charming little townland nestled in County Kerry, Ireland. This place is like a jigsaw puzzle piece fitting perfectly into the beautiful picture of Irish history.

Long, long ago, before any of us were born, Listry was a quiet spot with lush green fields and tall mountains. People have lived here for over a thousand years! Can you believe that?

One of the most interesting things about Listry is its ancient stone circle. Imagine a circle made of huge, heavy stones, standing tall for hundreds of years. Nobody knows exactly why these stone circles were made, but some people think they were used for ceremonies or to mark seasons.

There's also an old church that was built over 100 years ago. This church has seen many generations of families in Listry, marking happy times like weddings and sad ones like funerals.

Despite being small, Listry is full of history and stories. Every stone, every tree, and every building has a tale to tell. Living in Listry is like being a part of a grand, ongoing storybook. Isn't that exciting?

  1. What is one of the most interesting things about Listry?
  2. How old is the church in Listry?
  3. What do some people think the stone circles were used for?
  4. Why do you think people have lived in Listry for over a thousand years?
  5. If you lived in Listry, what kind of story do you think you would be a part of? Explain.

All About Listry

Listry is a lovely little village in County Kerry, Ireland. It's surrounded by lots of green fields, beautiful mountains, and rivers. The biggest mountain close by is the famous MacGillycuddy's Reeks. It's quite high and on clear days, you can see its peaks touching the sky!

The River Laune flows near Listry. It's a beautiful, clean river where fish like salmon and trout swim around happily. You might even spot a heron standing still at the water's edge, waiting for a tasty fish to swim by!

Listry has a main street where you can find local shops and houses. There are also lots of farms around, where you can see cows, sheep and horses grazing in the fields. If you are lucky, you might even spot an Irish hare or a red fox!

In the spring, you can see fields full of beautiful wildflowers, like buttercups and daisies. In the woods around Listry, you'll find tall, strong oak trees and you might also hear the sweet chirping of birds like robins and thrushes.

Isn't Listry a wonderful place to be? With its beautiful landscapes and rich wildlife, it's like stepping into a storybook!.

  1. What is the name of the mountain that is close to Listry and how high is it?
  2. What types of wildlife can you find in and around the River Laune?
  3. What kind of animals might you see on the farms around Listry?
  4. Using a map, can you identify the location of Listry in County Kerry?
  5. Explore the area around Listry yourself. Can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text? Describe what you found and why it is of interest.

My Family and Listry

Hi, I'm Vee, and I'm 8 years old. I live in a lovely place called Listry in Co. Kerry. It's a beautiful place with lots of green fields and friendly people. Did you know that Listry is famous for its Gaelic football? I'm not on the team yet, but I love watching the games with my friends.

There's also a fascinating landmark here - the Ogham Stone. It's a really old stone that has ancient writings on it. I can't read them, but it's cool to know that it's been here for thousands of years!

I also love visiting our local river, the River Maine. It's a great spot for picnics. Sometimes, we see ducks swimming there, and it's so much fun!

My school is lovely too. It's small, but my teacher says that's what makes it special. We're like a big family. I like staying here because it's peaceful, and there's always something new to discover.

That's all about me and my place. I hope you visit Listry one day and see how fantastic it is. Bye for now!

  1. What is the name of the river that Vee likes to visit for picnics?
  2. What makes Vee's school special according to their teacher?
  3. What is the Ogham Stone that Vee mentioned?
  4. What is one thing that Vee enjoys doing at the local Gaelic football games?
  5. What does Vee find fun in when they visit the River Maine?

The Logainm of Listry

Listry is a little village in County Kerry, Ireland. The name 'Listry' comes from the Irish words 'Lios Trí', which mean 'Fort of Three'. Long ago, our ancestors used to build forts or 'lios' for protection. This place was called 'Lios Trí' because there were three forts close together.

These forts are not around anymore, but their memory lives on in the village's name. Today, Listry is known for its tight-knit community, beautiful landscapes, and love for Gaelic football. The village's name reminds us of the brave folks who lived here centuries ago and their clever ways of protecting their homes.

So, when you hear 'Listry', remember the story of the three forts and the people who made them. And when you pass through this charming village, imagine how it looked and felt all those centuries ago.

  1. What does 'Listry' mean in English?
  2. Why was Listry called 'Lios Trí' long ago?
  3. What were 'lios' used for by our ancestors?
  4. What does the name 'Listry' remind us of today?
  5. How can we imagine Listry looked like centuries ago?

Slideshow - Listry
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Listry