| Lesson 1: Discovering Lise Meitner | |-------------------|----------------------| | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Pictures of Lise Meitner, Biography of Lise Meitner | | **Introduction:** Introduce the concept of inspirational women and mention Lise Meitner. Show pictures of Lise Meitner and discuss briefly where and when she lived. | | **Development:** Read a short biography of Lise Meitner together as a class. Discuss what she is famous for and why she is considered inspirational. | | **Conclusion:** Summarize key points about Lise Meitner. Encourage students to think about why she is an inspirational figure. | | **Assessment:** Ask students to write down one thing they learned about Lise Meitner during the lesson. | | Lesson 2: Exploring Lise Meitner's Contributions | |-------------------|----------------------| | **Time Allocation:** 60 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Articles about Lise Meitner's contributions, Paper and markers | | **Introduction:** Recap what students learned about Lise Meitner in the previous lesson. Introduce the concept of contributions to society and culture. | | **Development:** Read articles about Lise Meitner's contributions to science and society. Discuss the impact she had on her time and how her work continues to influence the world today. | | **Conclusion:** Encourage students to think about how they can make positive contributions like Lise Meitner. | | **Assessment:** Ask students to draw a picture representing one of Lise Meitner's contributions. | | Lesson 3: Connecting Lise Meitner to Your Life | |-------------------|----------------------| | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Chart paper, Markers, Sticky notes | | **Introduction:** Discuss the concept of connecting historical figures to our lives. Mention Lise Meitner and her achievements. | | **Development:** Have students brainstorm ways in which they can relate to Lise Meitner's accomplishments. Write down ideas on sticky notes and stick them on a chart paper. | | **Conclusion:** Reflect on the connections made between Lise Meitner and the students' lives. Discuss the importance of finding inspiration in historical figures. | | **Assessment:** Ask students to write a short paragraph about how they can apply some of Lise Meitner's qualities to their own lives. | | Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Lise Meitner's Life | |-------------------|----------------------| | **Time Allocation:** 60 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Poster board, Markers, Pictures of Lise Meitner | | **Introduction:** Introduce the concept of timelines and explain its importance in understanding historical figures. Show pictures of Lise Meitner at different stages of her life. | | **Development:** Guide students in creating a timeline of Lise Meitner's life on a poster board. Include important events and achievements. | | **Conclusion:** Present the timelines created by students. Discuss key events in Lise Meitner's life and their significance. | | **Assessment:** Assess the timelines created by students based on accuracy and completeness. |