Welcome to Lisbaun

Lisbaun is a small but special townland in County Mayo, Ireland. You might think nothing much has happened here, but every place has a story to tell, and so does Lisbaun!

Long ago, Lisbaun was mostly farmland, with sheep, cows, and horses. The farmers would wake up early, taking care of their animals and fields. Children would help after school, learning important skills from their families.

But did you know Lisbaun has an old, abandoned schoolhouse? Yes, indeed! This schoolhouse was once filled with children eager to learn, just like you. Students would huddle around the fireplace in winter, sharing stories and laughter. Although the schoolhouse is quiet now, the walls still whisper tales of the past.

Lisbaun may not have big castles or famous battles, but it has a rich history of its own. Every old farmhouse, stone wall, and winding path tells the story of the people who lived here. So next time you visit Lisbaun, remember that you're stepping into a tiny part of Ireland's long, fascinating history. Isn't that exciting?

  1. What was Lisbaun mostly made up of long ago?
  2. What is special about the old schoolhouse in Lisbaun?
  3. What does every old farmhouse, stone wall, and winding path in Lisbaun tell us?
  4. Why do you think it's important to learn about the history of small places like Lisbaun?
  5. If you could ask one question to the children who studied in the old schoolhouse, what would it be and why?

All About Lisbaun

Welcome to the magical world of Lisbaun, Co. Mayo, a wonderful place in western Ireland! Here, you can find some amazing things that make it very special.

First off, Lisbaun has beautiful, green landscapes, where you can find friendly sheep grazing. There aren't many big streets in this area, but there are lots of country lanes with colourful hedges on either side. These hedges are home to many small creatures like hedgehogs and birds. Can you imagine them chirping happily in the morning?

The area is known for its beautiful wildflowers like buttercups and daisies - it's a perfect place to play 'he loves me, he loves me not'. Fun fact: Did you know that buttercups shine under your chin if you love butter?

Lisbaun is near the majestic River Moy, where you can see ducks swimming, and if you're lucky, you might even spot a playful otter! The area also has some gentle hills perfect for a fun family hike.

In Lisbaun, you will also find traditional Irish post boxes and telephone booths, painted in a bright and friendly green. They are a charming part of the street furniture in this lovely countryside.

Remember to always respect the nature and animals around you, and enjoy exploring Lisbaun!.

  1. What animals can you find in the hedges of Lisbaun's country lanes?
  2. What makes the buttercups in Lisbaun special?
  3. What can you observe in the River Moy?
  4. What unique characteristic can you find about the street furniture in Lisbaun?
  5. Using a map, can you locate Lisbaun and the River Moy? Draw the route you would take to get from Lisbaun to the River Moy.
  6. Visit Lisbaun yourself and find a geographical feature or aspect that we have not covered in this article. Describe it in detail.

My Family and Lisbaun

Hi, I'm Riley and I'm 8 years old. I live in a really cool place called Lisbaun in County Mayo. It's in Ireland if you didn't know. I love living here because there's loads to see and do!

One of my favourite places is the Castlebar River. It flows right by our house! Sometimes I see ducks swimming there and it's really fun to watch them. I also like going to the National Museum of Ireland – Country Life. There's so much to learn about how people used to live in the old days. I love the old tools and clothes they have on display.

There's also a big hill near my house called Croagh Patrick. Some people climb it but I haven't done that yet – maybe when I'm bigger! There's a story that says Saint Patrick stood on top of the hill and drove all the snakes out of Ireland. Isn't that cool?

I like living in Lisbaun because it's peaceful and beautiful. I can play outside and there are lots of trees for climbing. It's the best place to grow up!

  1. What is the name of the river that flows by Riley's house?
  2. What is one of the things Riley likes about the National Museum of Ireland – Country Life?
  3. What is the story about Croagh Patrick?
  4. Why does Riley like living in Lisbaun?
  5. What does Riley enjoy doing outside in Lisbaun?

The Logainm of Lisbaun

Lisbaun is a special place in County Mayo, Ireland. The name Lisbaun comes from the Irish words 'Lios Bán'. 'Lios' means 'ringfort' and 'Bán' means 'white'. So, Lisbaun means 'White Ringfort'. Long time ago, people in Ireland built these ringforts as homes and to keep animals safe.

Ringforts were usually made from earth and wood, and sometimes stone. The 'white' part of Lisbaun could be because the stone or earth used was white or maybe it was painted white. We don't know for sure, but it's fun to imagine!

Today, Lisbaun is not just a name from history, but a lively place where people live, work, play, and learn. It's important to remember the history behind the names of places like Lisbaun. It helps us understand how people lived long ago and how things have changed over time.

  1. What does the name Lisbaun mean in English?
  2. What is a ringfort and why were they built?
  3. Why do you think the 'Bán' part of Lisbaun might mean 'white'?
  4. How does knowing the history of a place's name help us understand more about that place?
  5. What are some ways Lisbaun has changed from the past to the present?

Slideshow - Lisbaun
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Lisbaun