Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
History of Leixlip Co. Kildare 60 Minutes Books, Internet, and Videos about the history of Leixlip Introduce the history and the meaning of the placename of Leixlip 1. Have students research about the history of Leixlip. 2. Watch a video about Leixlip's history. 3. Discuss as a class the origin and meaning of the placename. Summarize the key events and the meaning of the placename of Leixlip Quiz about the history and the placename of Leixlip
Notable Person: Arthur Guinness 60 Minutes Biographies, Internet, and Videos about Arthur Guinness Introduce Arthur Guinness, the founder of Guinness brewery in Leixlip 1. Have students research about Arthur Guinness. 2. Watch a video about his life and achievements. 3. Discuss his impact on Leixlip and Ireland. Summarize Arthur Guinness's life and his contributions to Leixlip Write a short biography about Arthur Guinness
Geography of Leixlip 60 Minutes Maps, Internet, Field Trip Introduce the geographical features of Leixlip, including the River Liffey, the Royal Canal, and the Leixlip Reservoir 1. Have students research about Leixlip's geography. 2. Go on a field trip to see the geographical features. 3. Discuss the importance of these features to Leixlip. Summarize the geographical features of Leixlip Quiz about the geography of Leixlip
Mapping Leixlip 60 Minutes Maps, Art Supplies Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance 1. Teach students how to read and interpret maps. 2. Have students create their own map of Leixlip. 3. Discuss the importance of accuracy in mapping. Summarize the importance of mapping and accuracy Assess the students' maps for accuracy and detail
Biodiversity of Leixlip 60 Minutes Internet, Field Trip, Notebooks Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance to Leixlip 1. Discuss the different types of flora and fauna in Leixlip. 2. Go on a field trip to observe the biodiversity. 3. Discuss ways to protect the biodiversity. Summarize the importance of biodiversity and the need for its protection Quiz about the biodiversity of Leixlip and ways to protect it
Visual Arts: Leixlip in Art 60 Minutes Art Supplies Introduce the concept of using the local area as a stimulus for creating art 1. Discuss different ways to depict Leixlip in art. 2. Have students create their own artwork inspired by Leixlip. 3. Discuss the different interpretations of Leixlip in the students' artwork. Summarize the importance of local area in inspiring art Assess the students' artwork for creativity and connection to Leixlip