Welcome to Leixlip

Leixlip is a special town in County Kildare, Ireland. Its name sounds funny, right? Well, it comes from an old Viking word meaning 'Salmon Leap'. This is because there's a place where salmon, a type of fish, used to jump up a waterfall!

What makes Leixlip extra special is its history. A long time ago, when kings and queens ruled the land, Leixlip was a very important place. King John built a castle here in the 12th century. Can you imagine? A real castle with tall towers and heavy stone walls! It was built to protect the town and its people.

And guess what? The castle is still there! It's one of the oldest continuously-inhabited buildings in Ireland. That means people have lived there without a break for over 800 years. Just think of all the stories those old walls could tell!

Leixlip has seen many changes over the centuries, from Viking sailors to modern day families. But despite all the changes, it has never lost its charm. It's a place where history comes alive, right here in County Kildare. So, next time you're in Leixlip, remember you're walking in the footsteps of kings!

  1. What does the name 'Leixlip' mean in Viking language?
  2. Who built a castle in Leixlip and when was it built?
  3. What does it mean when we say the castle is 'continuously-inhabited'?
  4. Why do you think the castle was built in Leixlip during the 12th century?
  5. If you could ask the castle walls one question about its history, what would it be and why?

All About Leixlip

Leixlip is a lovely town in County Kildare, Ireland. Not too far from Dublin, the capital city, it is known for the stunning Leixlip Castle, which is like a place from a fairy tale. Nestled between two rivers, the River Liffey and the Rye Water, Leixlip is home to many fish and ducks, and if you're lucky, you might spot a heron! The town is surrounded by beautiful hills, where you can see lots of different animals like rabbits, squirrels, and foxes.

The main street in Leixlip, aptly named Main Street, is full of colourful shops and fun places to eat. There are also a number of parks, like the Leixlip Manor and Gardens, where you can play and see lots of pretty flowers. In town, you'll see benches where people can sit and chat, and pretty lamps to light up the streets at night. And don't forget the Leixlip Library - it's full of books for you to explore! So, next time you visit Leixlip, don't forget to explore and see all the cool things it has to offer!

  1. What two rivers are Leixlip nestled between?
  2. Describe some of the fauna that can be seen in and around Leixlip.
  3. What are some of the notable features you can find on Main Street in Leixlip?
  4. Using a map of Leixlip, can you identify and describe a geographical feature not mentioned in the text?
  5. Research and find a location within Leixlip that might be of geographical interest. What makes this location interesting?

My Family and Leixlip

Hiya! I'm Zane and I just turned 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Leixlip in Co. Kildare. It's in Ireland if you didn't know. I love it 'cause there's so much to do here!

One of my favourite places is Leixlip Castle. It's super old, like hundreds of years, and looks like something from a fairy tale. I always pretend I'm a knight protecting it from dragons!

Another awesome place is the Wonderful Barn. It's not just a barn, it's a tower that spirals up to the sky! I've been to the top and the view is amazing, you can see the whole town.

I also enjoy going to the Liffey Valley Park. It's a big park with lots of trees and a huge river running through it. I love to play hide and seek there with my friends.

Leixlip is a really cool place to grow up. There's always something to do or see. And I'm excited about what other adventures I'll have here this year! Bye for now!

  1. What is the name of the castle Zane likes to visit?
  2. Why does Zane like the Wonderful Barn?
  3. What games does Zane play in the Liffey Valley Park?
  4. How does Zane feel about living in Leixlip?
  5. What adventures does Zane hope to have this year?

The Logainm of Leixlip

Leixlip is a town in County Kildare, Ireland. The cool thing about this place is its name, 'Leixlip'. It comes from the Old Norse language, which was spoken by the Vikings. The name 'Leixlip' means 'Salmon Leap'. Why such a funny name, you ask? Well, it's because of the cool salmon that used to leap in the river Liffey's waterfall in this town. Picture a strong, shiny fish jumping high above the water - that's quite a sight!

Long, long ago, the Vikings came to Ireland. They sailed down the river Liffey and established a base at Leixlip. They named this place 'Leixlip' inspired by the leaping salmon. Today, you might not see salmon leaping in the river, but the name 'Leixlip' still reminds us of its Viking past and the amazing sight of leaping salmon.

  1. What does 'Leixlip' mean in English?
  2. Which language is the name 'Leixlip' derived from?
  3. Why did the Vikings name the town 'Leixlip'?
  4. Who were the Vikings?
  5. Why do you think the name 'Leixlip' is important today?

Slideshow - Leixlip
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Leixlip