Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
History of Lecarrow 60 minutes Books, internet access, projector Introduce the history and origin of Lecarrow's placename 1. Discussion about the history of Lecarrow 2. Research about the origin of the placename 3. Presentation about what they've learned Summarize the importance of understanding the history of our place and its name Oral quiz, group presentation
Notable Person 60 minutes Books, internet access Introduce a notable person from or near the area 1. Research about the notable person 2. Discussion about their contributions 3. Role-play of their life Discuss the importance of remembering and understanding the contributions of people from our area Written assignment, role-play
Natural Geography 60 minutes Books, internet access, map of Lecarrow Introduce the natural geography of Lecarrow 1. Discussion about the area's natural features 2. Research about the local flora and fauna 3. Nature walk Appreciate the beauty and importance of our area's natural geography Quiz, nature walk observations
Mapping Skills 60 minutes Map of Lecarrow, colored pencils, rulers Introduce the concept of maps and their usefulness 1. Demonstrate how to read a map 2. Create their own map of Lecarrow 3. Treasure hunt using their maps Understand the importance and application of mapping skills Map creation, treasure hunt
Biodiversity 60 minutes Books, internet access, outdoor equipment Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance 1. Discussion about local biodiversity 2. Outdoor exploration to identify different species 3. Brainstorming on how to protect local biodiversity Understand the importance of biodiversity and our role in its protection Quiz, outdoor observations, brainstorming session
Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies (paint, brushes, paper) Introduce the concept of using our surrounding as inspiration for art 1. Discussion about various forms of art 2. Outdoor exploration for inspiration 3. Creation of their own piece of art Appreciate the beauty of our surroundings and how it can inspire creativity Artwork creation, group review of artworks
``` This HTML table includes all 6 lesson plans with details on time allocation, resources needed, introduction, development, conclusion, and assessment.