Welcome to Lecarrow

Lecarrow is a lovely townland in County Roscommon, Ireland. It's like a small puzzle piece in the big picture of Ireland. Lecarrow may seem like a quiet place now, but it has a rich history.

Many, many years ago, people lived in Lecarrow just like we do today. They didn't have video games or cars, but they had plenty of sheep and cows. They built homes, called cottages, from stones and even built a church!

One special thing about Lecarrow is its lake called Lough Ree. In the old times, this lake was very important. It was like a big highway where people travelled in boats. In the middle of the lake, there's an island called St. John's Island.

Long ago, a group of people called monks lived on this island. They built a small church there. Even though the church is now in ruins, you can still visit the island and imagine the monks praying and living there. So, even if Lecarrow seems small, it has a big story to tell. It's a place where people have lived, worked, and played for hundreds of years.

  1. What is the name of the lake in Lecarrow?
  2. Who lived on St. John's Island long ago?
  3. What did people in Lecarrow build their homes from?
  4. Why do you think the lake was important in old times?
  5. How does the history of Lecarrow help us understand its importance?

All About Lecarrow

Lecarrow is a lovely small village in County Roscommon, Ireland. Known for its beautiful scenery and greenery, Lecarrow is home to many cute animals like rabbits, foxes, and various types of birds. If you're observant, you can spot them in their natural habitat.

A highlight of Lecarrow is the Lough Ree. This large lake on the River Shannon is teeming with different species of fish. It's a paradise for those who enjoy fishing, boating, or sailing.

Another striking feature of Lecarrow is the Rindoon Castle. This grand stone structure invokes images of knights and princesses from bygone eras. Today, it serves as a place for exploration and adventure.

At the heart of Lecarrow lies the quaint Harbour Road. While it may not be bustling with shops or traffic lights, it leads to the beautiful Lecarrow Canal. This canal serves as a connection between the village and the lake.

Lecarrow is more than just a village. It's a hub of natural beauty, a place for fun, and a gateway to understanding Ireland's rich history.

  1. What types of animals can you find in Lecarrow?
  2. Describe the activities you can enjoy at Lough Ree.
  3. What historical structure can you find in Lecarrow and what can you imagine about its past?
  4. What is the significance of the Harbour Road and the Lecarrow Canal?
  5. Explore the area of Lecarrow using a map. Identify and describe one geographical feature that interests you.

My Family and Lecarrow

Hi, I'm Finley and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Lecarrow Co. Roscommon. It's in Ireland and there's lots to see! Near my house, there's a big lake called Lough Ree. It's really big and sometimes we go boating. There are lots of fish in the lake and sometimes we even go fishing!

There's also a place called the Black Islands, they're in the middle of the lake. I haven't been there yet but my Mum says we will go one day. She told me there are birds that only live there and nowhere else. Isn't that cool?

There's a big windmill in Lecarrow too. It's really tall and old. It's not working anymore but we can climb to the top and see the whole village. Lecarrow is really fun to grow up in, there's always something to do and see. I'm excited to see more of it as I get bigger!

  1. What is the name of the lake near Finley's house?
  2. What animals does Finley mention in the blog post?
  3. Name one activity that Finley enjoys doing at Lough Ree.
  4. What is special about the Black Islands according to Finley?
  5. What can you see from the top of the windmill in Lecarrow?

The Logainm of Lecarrow

Lecarrow is a lovely little village in County Roscommon, Ireland. The word "Lecarrow" comes from the Irish language. In Irish, it's called "An Leithcheathrú", which means "The half quarter". This is a term used in old Irish measurements to describe the size of the land. Isn't that interesting?

In the olden days, people used these kinds of names to know more about places. "An Leithcheathrú" tells us that Lecarrow was once a small piece of a bigger area. Over the years, the English speakers in the area started calling it "Lecarrow", which is how it sounds when you say "An Leithcheathrú" fast!

Today, Lecarrow is known for its beautiful Lough Ree, where people go boating and fishing. It's amazing to think that the name of this village has a story that goes back hundreds of years, and it's still being used today. Just by knowing its name, we can learn a lot about Lecarrow's history and the people who once lived there.

  1. What does the name "Lecarrow" mean in English?
  2. Why do you think people used names like "An Leithcheathrú" to describe places?
  3. Can you think of other places that might have interesting stories behind their names?
  4. Why do you think the name "Lecarrow" is still used today?
  5. What do you think we can learn from the history of a place's name?

Slideshow - Lecarrow
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Lecarrow