| Lesson 1: Exploring the Basic Geography of Lebanon | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | **Resources Needed:** World map, images of Lebanon, colored pencils | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Introduction:** Begin by locating Lebanon on the world map and discuss its position in the Middle East. Talk about its neighboring countries and the Mediterranean Sea. Show images of Lebanon's diverse landscapes. | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Development:** Discuss Lebanon's climate, major cities, and natural features such as the mountains and coastal areas. Encourage students to mark these on their own maps. | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Conclusion:** Summarize the key points about Lebanon's geography and have a brief discussion on how geography influences the country's culture and way of life. | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Assessment:** Ask students to draw a simple map of Lebanon labeling its major cities and natural features. | | Lesson 2: Facts about the Capital City Beirut | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Time Allocation:** 30 minutes | **Resources Needed:** Images of Beirut, fact cards about Beirut | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Introduction:** Show images of Beirut and ask students what they notice about the city. Introduce the concept of a capital city and explain its significance. | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Development:** Present three facts about Beirut such as its history, population, and landmarks. Have students write these facts down on individual cards. | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Conclusion:** Have students share the facts they learned about Beirut. Discuss why these facts are important in understanding the capital city. | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Assessment:** Ask students to create a mini-poster highlighting the three facts about Beirut. | | Lesson 3: Famous Landmark in Lebanon | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Time Allocation:** 40 minutes | **Resources Needed:** Images of famous landmarks in Lebanon, paper, colored pencils | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Introduction:** Introduce the concept of landmarks and their significance in a country's identity. Show images of famous landmarks in Lebanon outside of Beirut. | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Development:** Discuss the history and cultural importance of one specific landmark in Lebanon. Encourage students to sketch and write about this landmark. | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Conclusion:** Have students present their chosen landmark to the class, explaining its significance and why it is a famous landmark in Lebanon. | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Assessment:** Assess students based on their presentation and the accuracy of information about the chosen landmark. | | Lesson 4: Creating a Tour Guide for Lebanon | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Time Allocation:** 60 minutes | **Resources Needed:** Brochures, images of Lebanon, travel guides, paper, markers | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Introduction:** Explain the purpose of a tour guide and discuss the essential information needed for tourists visiting a new country. Show examples of tour guides. | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Development:** Divide students into groups and assign each group a specific aspect of Lebanon to focus on (e.g., culture, cuisine, historical sites). Have them create a tour guide with information and illustrations. | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Conclusion:** Each group presents their tour guide to the class, highlighting the unique features of Lebanon they chose to include. Discuss the importance of providing accurate and engaging information for tourists. | |-------------------------------------------|----------------------| | **Assessment:** Evaluate the tour guides based on the content, creativity, and presentation skills of each group. |