Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Lankill Co. Mayo 60 minutes Books, internet access, writing materials Introduce the history of Lankill and define the term "logainm". 1. Discuss the history of the area.
2. Research the history of the logainm.
3. Write a report on the historical significance of Lankill.
Summarize the key points about the history of Lankill. Check the reports for understanding and accuracy.
2: Notable Person from the Area 60 minutes Books, internet access, writing materials Introduce a notable person from the area, or a nearby area. 1. Research the person's life and achievements.
2. Discus why this person is important.
3. Write a biography about the person.
Discuss the importance of remembering notable people from our area. Evaluate the biography for understanding and completeness.
3: Geography of Lankill 60 minutes Maps, internet access, writing materials Introduce the geographical features of Lankill, including rivers, mountains, and lakes. 1. Discuss the geographical features of the area.
2. Research more about these features.
3. Create a fact sheet about Lankill's geography.
Discuss the importance of understanding the geography of our local area. Assess the fact sheet for completeness and accuracy.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, rulers, pencils Introduce basic mapping skills and explain how they will be used to create a map of Lankill. 1. Discuss how to read and create maps.
2. Practice mapping skills by mapping the school grounds.
3. Create a map of Lankill.
Discuss how maps are useful for understanding the layout of an area. Assess the maps for accuracy and completeness.
5: Biodiversity 60 minutes Internet access, writing materials, binoculars for bird watching Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance in Lankill. 1. Discuss what biodiversity is and why it's important.
2. Research the local flora and fauna.
3. Create a project to protect the local biodiversity.
Discuss the importance of local biodiversity and how it can be protected. Assess the project for understanding and creativity.
6: Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies Introduce the concept of using the local area as a stimulus for creating art. 1. Discuss different ways to represent Lankill through art.
2. Create a piece of art representing Lankill.
3. Discuss the artwork and the choices made in creating it.
Discuss the importance of using our local area as inspiration for art. Assess the artwork for creativity and connection to Lankill.