Welcome to Lankill

Lankill is a small but very special townland in County Mayo, Ireland. Its name in Irish is "Leamhchoill", which means "Elm Wood". Isn't that a cool name?

Lankill might not have big famous battles or kings in its history, but it still has a very interesting past. Long ago, people lived in Lankill and they left signs behind to prove it. Imagine finding an old arrowhead or piece of pottery in your backyard!

One special place in Lankill is a very old well, called a 'holy well'. People have been visiting this well for hundreds of years, and some believe it has healing powers. Would you like to make a wish there?

Also, there are remains of old stone walls and buildings that tell us about the people who lived here long ago. They built their homes and farms using stones from the land around them.

So, even though Lankill might seem like a quiet place now, it has a rich history full of interesting stories. And who knows, maybe one day you could discover a new piece of Lankill's history!

  1. What does the name "Leamhchoill" mean in English?
  2. What kind of signs did the people who lived in Lankill long ago leave behind?
  3. What is one special place in Lankill and why is it special?
  4. How did the people who lived in Lankill long ago build their homes and farms?
  5. If you could discover a new piece of Lankill's history, what would you hope to find and why?

All About Lankill

Lankill is a lovely little place in County Mayo, Ireland, surrounded by beautiful nature. Just imagine a big, green playground! One of the famous natural features near Lankill is the Sheeffry Hills. These are big, tall hills where lots of people like to go for walks. If you climb to the top, you can see for miles all around - like a bird in the sky! The Owenmore River flows nearby. It's a busy place for lots of fish, like salmon and trout, who call it their home. If you're quiet, you might even spot an otter playing in the water! In Lankill, you'll find lots of interesting plants and animals. You can see bright wildflowers, like buttercups and daisies, which attract beautiful butterflies. In the woods, you might spot red squirrels scampering up trees and birds singing their pretty songs. There aren't any notable streets in Lankill because it's so small, but that's part of its charm. It's like a hidden gem in the countryside. And remember, even though you might not find fancy street furniture like in big cities, the best playground in Lankill is nature itself!.

  1. What kind of fish can you find in the Owenmore River?
  2. What are some of the plants and animals you might see in Lankill?
  3. Describe the Sheeffry Hills and explain why they are a popular place for walks.
  4. Using a map of County Mayo, can you locate Lankill and the Owenmore River?
  5. Explore the area of Lankill yourself, either physically or using online resources, and find another geographical feature that wasn't mentioned in this article. What makes it interesting?

My Family and Lankill

Hi, I'm Alex! I'm 8 years old and I live in Lankill, Co. Mayo. It's a really cool place to grow up! We have loads of neat things around here, like the big hill we call 'The Watcher'. It's called that because it looks like it's always watching over us. I love climbing it, even though it's really steep.

There's also a really old church near my house. It's so old, it's almost falling apart. But it's still pretty cool. I sometimes go there with my friends to play hide and seek. It's the best hiding place ever!

We also have a river that flows through our village. In the summer, we go swimming there. It's really cold, but it's lots of fun. Plus, my dog, Sparky, loves to splash around in it too!

So, that's me and where I live. It's not a big city or anything, but I think it's really special. I love living in Lankill, Co. Mayo!

  1. Why do you think Alex likes living in Lankill, Co. Mayo?
  2. What is 'The Watcher' and what does Alex like to do there?
  3. Can you describe the old church near Alex's house?
  4. What activities does Alex do in the river during the summer?
  5. Who is Sparky and what does he like to do?

The Logainm of Lankill

Lankill is a special place in County Mayo, Ireland. The name 'Lankill' is an English translation of the Irish name 'Leana Choill'. 'Leana Choill' means 'meadow of the wood' in English. This means that Lankill was once a lovely meadow surrounded by woods.

Long ago, people who lived in Lankill used to tell stories about the beautiful woods and meadows. They would often gather around a warm fire and share these tales. These stories then became part of the history of Lankill, reminding us of how it got its name.

Today, even though the woods may not be as big as before, Lankill still holds onto its name and the memory of the beautiful woods. When you visit Lankill now, you can imagine how it once looked with its vast meadow and surrounding woods. And who knows? Maybe you can create your own story about Lankill too!

  1. What does 'Lankill' mean in English?
  2. How did Lankill get its name?
  3. Why are the stories people told about Lankill important?
  4. What changes has Lankill gone through over time?
  5. Can you think of your own story about Lankill?

Slideshow - Lankill
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Lankill