Lesson 1: History Lesson - Lahinch Co. Clare ```html
Time Allocation 60 minutes
Resources Needed Internet Access, Projector, Whiteboard, Markers, Paper, Pencils
Introduction Discuss the importance of understanding the history of our local area. Introduce the topic of the history of Lahinch, Co. Clare and its placename logainm.
  • PowerPoint presentation on the history of Lahinch and its logainm.
  • Group discussion about the historical significance of the area.
  • Students write a short paragraph about something they learned.
Conclusion Students share their findings and discuss the importance of local history.
Assessment Short quiz on the history of Lahinch and its logainm. Review of written paragraphs.
``` Lesson 2: History Lesson - Notable Person from Lahinch Co. Clare ```html
Time Allocation 60 minutes
Resources Needed Internet Access, Projector, Whiteboard, Markers, Paper, Pencils
Introduction Discuss the concept of notability and its significance in history. Introduce the notable person from Lahinch, Co. Clare.
  • PowerPoint presentation on the notable person and their contributions.
  • Group discussion about the person’s influence and significance.
  • Students create a timeline of the person’s life and achievements.
Conclusion Students present their timelines and discuss the person’s impact on Lahinch and beyond.
Assessment Short quiz on the notable person. Review of timelines.
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