Welcome to Lahinch

Lahinch is a beautiful townland in County Clare, Ireland. It's famous for its sandy beach and exciting waves, but did you know it also has a rich history?

Over a hundred years ago, in 1892, a very special place was created in Lahinch. It was called the Lahinch Golf Club. This was a time when golf was becoming popular, and the people of Lahinch wanted to create a place where they could play this exciting new game. So they built an amazing golf course, right by the sea. The golf course is still there today and is one of the oldest and most loved in Ireland.

Lahinch also has a long history of summer holidays. For many years, families from all over Ireland have come to Lahinch to enjoy the beach, play in the sea, and eat delicious ice cream.

Even though it's a small place, Lahinch has always been full of life, with lots of stories to tell. From building a golf course to welcoming holidaymakers for a summer of fun, Lahinch is a townland with a big heart and a wonderful history.

  1. What is Lahinch famous for?
  2. When was the Lahinch Golf Club created?
  3. What do families from all over Ireland come to Lahinch to do during the summer?
  4. Why do you think the Lahinch Golf Club is still popular today?
  5. If you could add another activity or attraction to Lahinch, what would it be and why?

All About Lahinch

Lahinch, a beautiful little village in County Clare, Ireland, is a fun place to learn about geography! It's nestled by the sea, which means it has sandy beaches where you can build sandcastles and watch seagulls fly.

The village's main street, often buzzing with people, is filled with colorful shops and yummy ice-cream parlors. Here, you can also find a special piece of street furniture, the Friendship Bench, where people can sit, relax and make new friends.

Lahinch is not just about the sea, it's surrounded by wonderful green hills too where you can spot all sorts of animals like sheep and rabbits. The River Inagh flows peacefully nearby, always in a hurry to meet the sea.

The most exciting part is the Cliffs of Moher, a little drive away. They're huge cliffs that stretch out into the sea. It's like standing on the edge of a giant's castle!

The area is also home to many plants, like the pretty Sea Pink flowers that grow near the sea, and animals like the playful dolphins that sometimes visit Lahinch Bay. So, Lahinch is a wonderful place where the sea, the land, and the life in it all come together.

  1. What is the name of the river that flows near Lahinch?
  2. Describe the Cliffs of Moher. Where are they located in relation to Lahinch?
  3. What animals might you see in and around Lahinch? List at least three.
  4. Using a map, can you find another town or landmark near Lahinch? Describe what you found.
  5. Explore the area around Lahinch yourself. What geographical feature did you find interesting? Describe it.

My Family and Lahinch

Hi, I'm Casey! I'm 8 years old and I live in Lahinch, Co. Clare. It's a really cool place to grow up! We have the beach right on our doorstep. I love to build sandcastles and look for shells with my friends. Sometimes, we even see surfers catching big waves!

Another thing I love about Lahinch is the golf course. I don't play golf yet but my Dad does. He says it's one of the best in Ireland! You can see the whole town from there, it's amazing!

We also have the Burren nearby. It's a huge rocky landscape with lots of plants and animals. My school took us on a trip there once. We saw a cute baby goat and lots of colourful flowers. I loved it!

When I'm not at the beach or exploring, I like to eat ice cream from the local shop. They have the best flavours, my favourite is mint chocolate chip. Yummy!

That's a little about me and my life in Lahinch. I'm so lucky to live here. I can't wait to have more adventures!

  1. What are some activities Casey enjoys in Lahinch?
  2. What is Casey's favourite ice cream flavour?
  3. What did Casey see on the school trip to the Burren?
  4. Why does Casey's Dad think the golf course is special?
  5. If you lived in Lahinch, what would you like to do based on Casey's experiences?

The Logainm of Lahinch

Lahinch is a wonderful little seaside town in County Clare, Ireland. The word 'Lahinch' comes from the Irish 'Leacht Uí Chonchubhair', which means 'The Memorial Cairn of O'Connor'. A cairn is a pile of stones that people made long ago to remember someone special.

Long, long ago, a very important man named O'Connor lived in this area. After he passed away, people built a big pile of stones, or a cairn, to remember him. That's how the town got its name!

Today, Lahinch is famous for its beautiful beach and amazing golf course. People from all over the world come to visit. So, even though it got its name from something that happened a very long time ago, the town of Lahinch is still very important today.

  1. Can you remember what the word 'Lahinch' means in English?
  2. What is a cairn and why was it important in naming Lahinch?
  3. Who was O'Connor and why do you think people built a cairn for him?
  4. What are some things that make Lahinch famous today?
  5. How does the history of Lahinch connect to its present day?

Slideshow - Lahinch
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Lahinch