Welcome to Laherfineen

Hello little explorers! Today, we're going to travel to a very special place in Ireland, a townland called Laherfineen in County Cork. Even though it's a small place, it's filled with history and stories that make it very unique.

Long, long ago, before your grandparents were even born, Laherfineen was mostly farmland. Families worked hard every day, tending to their animals and growing their crops. They lived in small, warm houses, and their lives were simple, but happy.

Now, you might be wondering, did anything exciting happen here? Well, there aren't any famous battles or big events tied to this place. But that doesn't mean it's not important! Every little townland like Laherfineen adds to the rich tapestry of Ireland's history.

Over the years, Laherfineen has seen many changes. Some of the old farms are still there, but now there are also modern homes, schools, and shops. Yet, if you close your eyes and listen to the wind, you can still imagine the sound of horses' hooves and the laughter of children from long ago. Isn't it amazing to think about how history lives all around us?

  1. What is the name of the townland we are learning about?
  2. What was Laherfineen mostly used for long ago?
  3. What changes has Laherfineen seen over the years?
  4. Why do you think every little townland like Laherfineen is important to Ireland's history?
  5. If you could travel back in time to Laherfineen, what do you think you would see or hear? Use your imagination!

All About Laherfineen

Laherfineen in Co. Cork is a wonderful place full of interesting things to explore! It's located in Ireland, on the edge of beautiful green fields and rolling hills that seem to stretch on forever.

One of the coolest things about Laherfineen is its natural beauty. Imagine being surrounded by tall, strong oak trees, colorful wildflowers, and chirping birds. You can spot many animals here like rabbits, foxes, and all sorts of birds. It's just like a giant outdoor classroom!

There might not be big, busy streets like in a city, but the country lanes in Laherfineen are just as interesting. They are narrow and winding, perfect for an adventure. And the best part? You can sometimes see cute, woolly sheep grazing by the roadside!

Laherfineen doesn't have mountains, but it's not far from the famous Shehy Mountains. These are big, tall hills that look like a giant's playground. And there's even a river nearby called the River Lee, where ducks love to swim.

So, the next time you're in Laherfineen, look around and see what you can discover. It's a magical place where nature is your playground!.

  1. What types of animals might you find in Laherfineen?
  2. Describe the country lanes in Laherfineen. How do they differ from city streets?
  3. What is the name of the river near Laherfineen and what types of animals are known to swim in it?
  4. Using a map of Co. Cork, can you locate Laherfineen and the Shehy Mountains?
  5. Plan a field trip to Laherfineen. What geographical features would you like to explore and why?

My Family and Laherfineen

Hi everyone, I'm Bailey and I'm 8 years old. I live in a really cool place called Laherfineen, in Co. Cork. It's a small place, but there's lots of stuff to see and do. My favourite place is the old castle ruins. It's super old and sometimes I pretend I'm a knight defending it!

I also like playing in the meadows with my friends. We always find interesting bugs and flowers. Sometimes, we even see rabbits hopping around. It's so fun and makes me feel like an explorer!

Another thing I love about Laherfineen is our local bakery. They make the yummiest bread and pastries. My favourite is the apple tart. It's so sweet and delicious. I wish I could eat it every day!

Living in Laherfineen is great. There's always so much to see and do. I can't wait to grow up here and have more adventures. If you ever visit Co. Cork, you should definitely come and see Laherfineen!

  1. What is my favourite place in Laherfineen and why do I like it?
  2. What do I usually find in the meadows?
  3. What animals can you sometimes see in the meadows?
  4. What is my favourite thing from the local bakery?
  5. Why do I love living in Laherfineen?

The Logainm of Laherfineen

Laherfineen is a special place in County Cork, Ireland. The name 'Laherfineen' comes from the Irish language, like many other places in Ireland. If we break it down, it's 'Leathar' which means 'half', and 'Fionn' which means 'white'. So, Laherfineen means 'Half White'. Interesting, isn't it?

Now, you may wonder, why is it called that? Well, it's believed to be named after an old story. According to the tale, there was a magical cow in the area that was half white. This cow was special because it could provide enough milk for the whole village!

Today, we don't have magical cows in Laherfineen, but the name reminds us of the story and the rich history of the place.

  1. What does the name 'Laherfineen' mean in English?
  2. Why is Laherfineen called 'Half White'?
  3. What is the story associated with the name Laherfineen?
  4. How does the name Laherfineen link to the history of the place?
  5. Why is the name important to the people who live there today?

Slideshow - Laherfineen
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Laherfineen