Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1. Who is L.M. Montgomery? 45 minutes Pictures of L.M. Montgomery, map of Canada, timeline template Introduce L.M. Montgomery with pictures and ask if anyone has heard of her. Discuss where and when she lived and what she is famous for. Recap key points and ask children to share one fact they learned. Oral questioning and a short quiz.
2. L.M. Montgomery's Contributions 45 minutes Books by L.M. Montgomery, chart paper, markers Review who L.M. Montgomery is and introduce her works. Discuss her contributions to literature and culture, and how her work impacted society. Summarize the discussion and ask students to list her contributions. Group discussion and written summary.
3. Impact on the World 45 minutes Excerpts from "Anne of Green Gables", projector Read a passage from "Anne of Green Gables". Discuss how the book has influenced readers around the world and its cultural significance. Ask students how the book might have influenced their own reading habits. Student reflections and class discussion.
4. Connecting to Our Lives 45 minutes Drawing paper, crayons, sample diary entries Ask students to think of a character from a book they admire. Discuss how L.M. Montgomery's characters might relate to their lives. Ask students to draw or write about a character they relate to. Review and share student work.
5. Designing a Timeline 45 minutes Timeline template, important dates, scissors, glue Show a sample timeline. Guide students in creating a timeline of L.M. Montgomery's life. Ask students to share their timelines with the class. Completed timelines and peer feedback.
6. Creative Writing Inspired by L.M. Montgomery 45 minutes Notebooks, pens, sample excerpts Read a descriptive passage from L.M. Montgomery's writing. Encourage students to write their own descriptive paragraphs inspired by her style. Ask students to share their work and discuss the writing process. Student paragraphs and class discussion.