All about L.M. Montgomery

L.M. Montgomery was a famous author who wrote many wonderful stories that people still love today. She was born on November 30, 1874, in a place called Prince Edward Island in Canada. Her full name was Lucy Maud Montgomery, but most people call her L.M. Montgomery.

When she was a little girl, her mom died, and her dad moved away, so she was raised by her grandparents. Even though she faced some tough times, she loved to read and write stories. She went to college and became a teacher, but she always dreamed of becoming a writer.

One day, she wrote a story about a red-haired girl named Anne who lived in a house called Green Gables. That book, "Anne of Green Gables," became very famous, and people all over the world wanted to read it. L.M. Montgomery wrote many more books about Anne and other characters too.

She got married and had two sons, but she never stopped writing. Her stories are filled with imagination, friendship, and beautiful places. L.M. Montgomery passed away on April 24, 1942, but her books are still loved by many children and grown-ups. Her stories remind us to dream big and to find joy in everyday life.

  1. When and where was L.M. Montgomery born?
  2. What was the name of the red-haired girl in L.M. Montgomery's famous story?
  3. Who raised L.M. Montgomery after her mom died?
  4. Why do you think L.M. Montgomery's stories are still loved by people today?
  5. How do you think L.M. Montgomery's tough childhood influenced her writing?

Symbols and Traditions

Hi everyone! My name is Violet, and I am 8 years old. I want to tell you about my awesome trip to Prince Edward Island! It’s a really cool place where a famous writer named L.M. Montgomery lived. She wrote the book "Anne of Green Gables," which my mom loves to read to me. We visited a place called Green Gables Heritage Place. It looks just like the house in the book! I got to see Anne’s room and the beautiful garden. There were even costumes to try on, so I dressed up like Anne with a red wig! We walked on the Haunted Woods trail, and it was so pretty. I felt like I was in the story. I even bought a little Anne doll as a souvenir. It was the best trip ever!

  1. Who is the famous writer mentioned in Violet's blog post?
  2. Describe one thing Violet did at the Green Gables Heritage Place.
  3. Why do you think Violet felt like she was in the story?
  4. What is the significance of the Green Gables Heritage Place to L.M. Montgomery's book?
  5. Imagine you visited Prince Edward Island. What would you like to see or do there, and why?

Profile of L.M. Montgomery

Year Born 
Place Born
Most famous for...
Is there anything named after them?
If deceased, year they died
Fun Fact

A Timeline of L.M. Montgomery to another Festival

After learning all about L.M. Montgomery, your job is to create a timeline of their life. You should add all the important events in their life but you can be inventive and add some interesting things that people might like to read about. You can make it as simply as you like with pen and paper or you can be very inventive and create a 3D diorama or hanging banner. The sky's the limit - go for it!

Slideshow - L.M. Montgomery
A full set of teaching plans for L.M. Montgomeryteaching.