Welcome to Kyle

Kyle is a wonderful small townland in County Wexford, Ireland. It's like a little dot on the map, but it's full of history.

Centuries ago, people didn't live in towns like we do now. They lived in smaller communities known as townlands, like Kyle. Each townland had its own little world of farms, houses, and sometimes a school or a church.

Kyle might not have been the site of any famous battles or great events, but that doesn't mean it's not important. Imagine all the people who lived their lives there, raised their children, tended their animals, and grew their crops.

In Kyle, you can still see old farmhouses, some of which are hundreds of years old! These farmhouses were homes to families just like yours, where children would play and learn just like you do today.

Every stone, every tree, and every road in Kyle has a story to tell. Each of them can tell us about the people who lived there, their dreams, their challenges, and their successes. Even though these might seem like small stories, they are the stories that make up the big story of Ireland. So, Kyle might be small, but it's a very special place!

  1. What is a townland?
  2. Describe what life was like in Kyle centuries ago.
  3. What can still be seen in Kyle today that is hundreds of years old?
  4. Why do you think the small stories of Kyle are important to the big story of Ireland?
  5. Imagine you lived in Kyle hundreds of years ago. How would your life be different from now?

All About Kyle

Welcome to the wonderful world of Kyle, Co. Wexford! It's a magical place full of fascinating features. Kyle is a pretty little place nestled in the sunny South-East of Ireland. One of the most remarkable things about Kyle is its beautiful landscape. It's home to some wonderful fields and charming little lanes like "Rose Lane" and "Bluebell Way".

The area is also teeming with an array of lovely plants and animals. From the colourful dog-rose flowers to the friendly robins fluttering about, nature is always close by. In the autumn, you might even spot a red squirrel scampering in the trees!

Kyle is quite the playground for nature lovers. The Boro River flows through the area, providing a home for playful otters and fishes. There are no big mountains in Kyle, but its rolling hills are just as exciting to explore.

The local park is a special place with its beautiful wooden benches and the large, old oak tree standing proud in the center. It's the perfect place to sit, relax and enjoy the beauty of Kyle.

So, pack your explorer's kit and come discover the charming geography of Kyle, Co. Wexford!.

  1. What are some of the remarkable features of the landscape in Kyle, Co. Wexford?
  2. Describe the variety of plants and animals that can be found in Kyle.
  3. Can you find the Boro River on a map of Kyle? What other geographical features can you identify?
  4. Based on the description, can you draw a map of the local park in Kyle? Don't forget to include the old oak tree and wooden benches.
  5. Plan a trip to Kyle and find an area of geographical interest not mentioned in the text. What makes this area interesting?

My Family and Kyle

Hi there! I'm Finley and I just turned 8. I live in a cool place called Kyle Co. Wexford. It's in Ireland and it's pretty awesome!

One of the best things about living here is that we have a super big windmill! It's called Tacumshane Windmill and it's really old. Sometimes, we go there and pretend we're knights protecting our castle!

We also have this long sandy beach called Curracloe Beach. It's the best spot for building sandcastles and finding seashells. I even found a starfish once!

Besides that, we have loads of green fields around. My friends and I love to play soccer there. We pretend we're in a big stadium and I'm always the star player, of course!

There's also this awesome place called Irish National Heritage Park. It has cool old stuff from a long, long time ago. My favorite is the Viking house – I pretend I'm a brave Viking exploring new lands!

So that's about me and where I live. It's really fun being a kid in Kyle Co. Wexford!

  1. What is the name of the windmill in Kyle Co. Wexford?
  2. What can you find at Curracloe Beach?
  3. What do I and my friends love to play in the green fields?
  4. What is my favorite part of the Irish National Heritage Park?
  5. What do I pretend to be when I'm at the Viking house?

The Logainm of Kyle

Kyle is a special place in County Wexford, Ireland. The name 'Kyle' comes from an old Irish word, 'Coill', which means 'wood' or 'forest'. Long, long ago, Kyle was covered in big, beautiful trees, so people started to call it 'Coill', and over time, it became known as 'Kyle'.

Many years ago, people used to live in the woods of Kyle. They would hunt for food and use the trees to build their homes. They also believed in fairies and other magical creatures that were said to live in the woods. These old stories and traditions are still remembered and shared by people who live in Kyle today.

Even though there aren't as many trees in Kyle now, the name still reminds us of its history. Today, people in Kyle take care of the environment and plant new trees to keep the memory of the old forest alive. So, every time you hear the name 'Kyle', you can imagine the big, beautiful forest that used to be there.

  1. What does the name 'Kyle' mean in English?
  2. Why was Kyle called 'Coill' long ago?
  3. What did people in the past use the trees in Kyle for?
  4. What are some of the stories and traditions that people in Kyle remember today?
  5. How are people in Kyle keeping the memory of the old forest alive?

Slideshow - Kyle
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Kyle