All about Kwame Nkrumah

Kwame Nkrumah was a very important person in Africa. He was born in Ghana a long time ago, in 1909. He studied hard and became a teacher. He went to America to learn more about helping his country. Kwame Nkrumah wanted Ghana to be free and independent from the British. He worked with others to make this happen. In 1957, Ghana became the first country in Africa to be free from colonial rule.

  1. Who was Kwame Nkrumah?
  2. Where was Kwame Nkrumah born?
  3. What did Kwame Nkrumah want for Ghana?
  4. Why is Kwame Nkrumah remembered as a great leader?
  5. How did Kwame Nkrumah contribute to the unity of African countries?

A Visit to Ghana

Hi, I'm Isabella and I'm 8 years old! Today, I want to tell you all about my amazing trip to Ghana. I was so excited to visit the country where Kwame Nkrumah, a famous leader, lived. One of the coolest places I visited was the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum. It's a special building that honors him, and it was so big and beautiful!

  1. I learned that Kwame Nkrumah was the first president of Ghana.
  2. What famous leader is honored at the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum?
  3. What did Isabella find big and beautiful in Ghana?
  4. How did Kwame Nkrumah influence Ghana?
  5. What was special about the trip to Ghana for Isabella?

Kwame Nkrumah Fact Finder

Year Born 
Place Born
Most famous for...
Is there anything named after them?
If deceased, year they died
Fun Fact

Your Turn...

After learning all about Kwame Nkrumah, your job is to create a timeline of their life. You should add all the important events in their life but you can be inventive and add some interesting things that people might like to read about. You can make it as simply as you like with pen and paper or you can be very inventive and create a 3D diorama or hanging banner. The sky's the limit - go for it!
Slideshow - Kwame Nkrumah
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