Lesson 1: Basic Geography of Kuwait
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: World map, Kuwait map, pictures of Kuwait landmarks

- Show the world map and locate Kuwait.
- Discuss its location, neighboring countries, and bodies of water surrounding it.

- Provide each student with a Kuwait map and ask them to identify major cities, deserts, and bodies of water.
- Discuss the climate and natural resources of Kuwait.

- Have a class discussion on what they have learned about the basic geography of Kuwait.

- Ask students to draw a simple map of Kuwait, labeling major cities, deserts, and bodies of water.
Lesson 2: Facts about Kuwait City
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Kuwait City landmarks, Kuwait City map

- Show pictures of Kuwait City landmarks and ask students if they know where these places are located.
- Introduce Kuwait City as the capital of Kuwait.

- Provide each student with a Kuwait City map and ask them to locate at least three landmarks.
- Discuss the importance and significance of these landmarks.

- Have a class discussion on the facts they have learned about Kuwait City.

- Ask students to write down three facts about Kuwait City they have learned.
Lesson 3: Famous Landmark in Kuwait
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of famous Kuwait landmarks

- Show pictures of famous Kuwait landmarks and ask students if they can identify any of them.

- Present a famous landmark in Kuwait located outside of Kuwait City (e.g., Kuwait Towers).
- Discuss the history, significance, and features of the landmark.

- Have a class discussion on the famous landmark in Kuwait they have learned about.

- Ask students to draw and describe the famous landmark they have learned about.
Lesson 4: Creating a Kuwait Tour Guide
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Kuwait travel brochures, writing materials, art supplies

- Show examples of travel brochures and explain their purpose.
- Discuss the importance of providing accurate and interesting information for tourists.

- Divide students into small groups and assign each group a specific aspect of Kuwait to focus on (e.g., culture, history, landmarks, cuisine).
- In their groups, students research and gather information about their assigned aspect.
- Students create their own Kuwait tour guide, including text, pictures, and illustrations.

- Each group presents their tour guide to the class.
- Discuss the importance of working together and sharing information.

- Evaluate the tour guides based on accuracy, creativity, and presentation skills.