All about Krishna Janmashtami

Sure! Here is a child-friendly summary of the story of Krishna Janmashtami:

  1. Krishna Janmashtami is a special celebration in Hinduism that honors the birth of Lord Krishna, a beloved and playful deity. Long ago, in the land of India, there was a wise king named Kansa who had a cruel heart. A prophecy had foretold that Kansa would be defeated by his sister Devaki's eighth son, who would be Lord Krishna.
  2. To protect Krishna from Kansa's evil plans, Krishna's father Vasudeva secretly took him to a safe village where he could grow up in peace. As a young boy, Krishna was known for his mischievous adventures and his love for playing the flute.
  3. When Krishna grew up, he returned to his birthplace and eventually defeated Kansa, fulfilling the prophecy. People celebrate Krishna Janmashtami by fasting, singing hymns, and performing dances to honor Lord Krishna's birth and his teachings of love, kindness, and righteousness.
  1. Who was the wise king in the story of Krishna Janmashtami?
  2. What did the prophecy foretell about Kansa and Devaki's eighth son?
  3. How do people celebrate Krishna Janmashtami?
  4. Why did Krishna's father take him to a safe village?
  5. Why is Krishna known for playing the flute?

Symbols and Traditions

Krishna Janmashtami is a special celebration in Hinduism that honors the birth of Lord Krishna, who is believed to be one of the most powerful and kind gods. This festival is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm by Hindus all over the world.

  1. What is the significance of the peacock feather in Krishna Janmashtami?
  2. What does the butter pot symbolize in this festival?
  3. How do people decorate their homes during Krishna Janmashtami?
  4. How is the game "Dahi Handi" related to Lord Krishna's childhood?
  5. Why is Krishna Janmashtami considered a time for families and friends to come together?

My Family and Krishna Janmashtami

Hi, my name is Mia and I'm 8 years old. Today, I want to share with you about how my family celebrates Krishna Janmashtami. This festival is really special to us because it honors the birth of Lord Krishna, who is one of the most powerful and kind gods in Hinduism.

  1. Why is Krishna Janmashtami celebrated by Hindus all over the world?
  2. What does the peacock feather symbolize in the celebration of Krishna Janmashtami?
  3. How do children participate in the festival through the game of "Dahi Handi"?
  4. What are some ways people decorate their homes during Krishna Janmashtami?
  5. What teachings of Lord Krishna are celebrated during this festival?

Comparing Krishna Janmashtami to another Festival

After learning all about Krishna Janmashtami, is there another festival that you celebrate or that you know that is similar in any way? Make a project comparing the similarities and differences between this festival and Krishna Janmashtamiand think about what symbols and traditions that are part of it. Think about the story of the festival, if it has one, where it is mainly celebrated - whether it is one country or all over the world. You can produce the project using any medium whether it's paper or on a laptop.

Slideshow - Krishna Janmashtami
A full set of teaching plans for Krishna Janmashtamiteaching.