Lesson 1: Explore the Basic Geography of Kosovo
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: World map, pictures of Kosovo
Introduction: Show the students a world map and locate Kosovo. Discuss its location in Europe and its neighboring countries.
Development: Provide the students with pictures of Kosovo and ask them to identify the physical features such as mountains, rivers, and lakes. Discuss the climate and vegetation of the region.
Conclusion: Summarize the key points about the geography of Kosovo. Encourage students to ask questions and share any additional information they may have learned.
Assessment: Give each student a blank map of Europe and ask them to label Kosovo correctly. Review their maps to assess their understanding.

Lesson 2: Facts about Pristina, the Capital City of Kosovo
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Pristina, information sheets about Pristina
Introduction: Show the students pictures of Pristina and ask them if they can identify it as the capital city of Kosovo.
Development: Provide the students with information sheets about Pristina. Discuss at least three interesting facts about the city, such as its history, population, and cultural landmarks.
Conclusion: Have a class discussion about the importance of capital cities and the significance of Pristina to the country of Kosovo.
Assessment: Ask each student to write down one interesting fact they learned about Pristina. Review their responses to assess their comprehension.

Lesson 3: Famous Landmark in Kosovo (outside of Pristina)
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of famous landmarks in Kosovo (excluding Pristina)
Introduction: Show the students pictures of famous landmarks in Kosovo and ask if they can identify any of them.
Development: Discuss one famous landmark in Kosovo that is located outside of Pristina. Provide information about its history, significance, and any interesting facts associated with it.
Conclusion: Have a class discussion about the importance of preserving and appreciating cultural landmarks in a country.
Assessment: Ask each student to draw a picture of the famous landmark discussed and write a short description of its significance. Review their drawings and descriptions to assess their understanding.

Lesson 4: Creating a Tour Guide for Kosovo
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Blank paper, colored pencils, information sheets about tourist attractions in Kosovo
Introduction: Explain to the students that they will be creating a tour guide for someone planning on visiting Kosovo. Discuss the importance of providing accurate and interesting information.
Development: Provide the students with information sheets about various tourist attractions in Kosovo. Instruct them to choose at least three attractions and create a page for each in their tour guide. They should include a description, pictures, and any other relevant information.
Conclusion: Allow students to share their tour guides with the class. Discuss the different attractions and why they are worth visiting.
Assessment: Evaluate each student's tour guide based on the accuracy of the information, creativity, and presentation. Provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.