Welcome to Kinvarra

Kinvarra, or Kinvara, is a beautiful little town in County Galway, Ireland. Long, long ago, it was a very busy place with lots of ships coming and going because it was a major sea port. People brought things like spices, silk, and other exciting goods on their ships from far away lands to trade here.

Kinvarra is also known for its beautiful castle, called Dunguaire Castle. This castle was built way back in the 1500s, almost 500 years ago! Imagine, that's like if your great-great-great-great-great-grandparents had built it! The castle was home to important leaders and has been visited by many famous poets and writers.

Every year, Kinvarra hosts a fun festival called 'Cruinniú na mBád', which means 'Gathering of the Boats'. During this festival, people celebrate the town's history of being a busy sea port by sailing beautiful, traditional boats.

So, even though Kinvarra might seem like a small, quiet place now, it has a very exciting and bustling history. It's like a treasure chest, full of fascinating stories from the past!

  1. What was Kinvarra a major port for long, long ago?
  2. What is the name of the castle in Kinvarra and when was it built?
  3. What does 'Cruinniú na mBád' mean and what happens during this festival?
  4. Imagine you're a trader who has just sailed into Kinvarra long ago. What might you have brought with you and what is your impression of the town?
  5. Why do you think it's important for the people of Kinvarra to celebrate their history with the 'Cruinniú na mBád' festival?

All About Kinvarra

Kinvara, also known as Kinvarra, is a wonderful little village in County Galway, Ireland. It's just like your favourite storybook village brought to life! Kinvara is nestled by the sea, with the beautiful Galway Bay kissing its shores. You might spot some seals if you're lucky! It's also close to the Burren, a magical land of limestone rocks, rare plants, and wonderful wildlife. Wouldn't it be fun to look for butterflies and orchids?

The village is full of colourful houses lining the quaint streets. The main street, called The Quay, is especially lovely. Look for beautiful old-fashioned benches to sit on and lovely lampposts lighting your way.

One of Kinvara's most exciting places is Dunguaire Castle. It's a real castle that's over 500 years old! Imagine all the knights and princesses who might have lived there.

Another cool place is the Pier Road. It's not just for cars and people to travel on, but also a great place to watch boats come and go.

So, Kinvara is more than just a spot on the map. It's a place where nature meets history, and adventures are waiting for you to discover!.

  1. What is the name of the main street in Kinvara?
  2. Describe the geographical location of Kinvara. How close is it to the sea and what natural wonder is it near?
  3. What is the significance of Dunguaire Castle in Kinvara?
  4. Using a map, can you locate Kinvara in County Galway, Ireland? What other places of interest are nearby?
  5. Take a virtual tour or visit Kinvara yourself. Can you find something of geographical interest that was not mentioned in the text? Share your findings.

My Family and Kinvarra

Hi, my name is Elliot and I'm 8 years old. I live in a wonderful place called Kinvarra in Co. Galway. It's a really fun place to grow up. There's a big castle here called Dunguaire Castle. It's super old and sometimes, I pretend I'm a knight guarding it.

My house is near the sea, and I love to go to the Kinvarra Pier. There are always lots of boats there. Sometimes, my friends and I have races to see who can spot the most different coloured boats. I usually win!

I also like to visit The Burren Nature Sanctuary. It's not in Kinvarra, but it's not too far away. They have a fairy woodland trail and a playground. Once, I saw a real-life fairy... well, at least I think it was!

Oh, and we have a farmers market every Friday. I love to buy homemade cookies there. Yum! This is just a little about me and where I live. I can't wait to share more with you next time!

  1. What is the name of the castle in Kinvarra?
  2. What do I like to do at the Kinvarra Pier?
  3. Where is The Burren Nature Sanctuary located?
  4. What did I once see on the fairy woodland trail at The Burren Nature Sanctuary?
  5. What do I love to buy at the farmers market?

The Logainm of Kinvarra

Kinvarra is a lovely little village in the county of Galway, on the west coast of Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish word "Cinn Mhara", which means "head of the sea". This makes sense because Kinvarra is right on the edge of the sea, where the sea meets the land. The name would have been given a long time ago, back when people spoke mostly Irish, not English.

Over the years, lots of people have lived and worked in Kinvarra. Fishermen would have used the sea to catch fish and sailors might have started their journeys from here. The name "Cinn Mhara" or "head of the sea" would have reminded them of the sea's importance every day.

Even today, the sea is still very important to Kinvarra. People visit from all over to see the beautiful coast and enjoy the sea views. So, the name Kinvarra, or "head of the sea", still makes a lot of sense now!

  1. What does the name Kinvarra mean in English?
  2. Why do you think the village was named "head of the sea"?
  3. Who would have used the sea in Kinvarra a long time ago?
  4. Why is the sea still important to Kinvarra today?
  5. Can you think of other places that might have names related to their location or what they are known for?

Slideshow - Kinvarra
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Kinvarra