Welcome to Kindlestown Lower

Kindlestown Lower is a fantastic townland in County Wicklow, Ireland. Did you know that it's been around for a very long time? Much of its history is tied to a special place called Kindlestown Castle!

In the old, old days, around 700 years ago, a brave knight named Walter de Bendish built this castle. It was a big, strong fortress where Walter and his family lived. Can you imagine living in a castle? That would be so cool!

Over the centuries, the castle changed hands many times, like a game of pass-the-parcel. Each owner added their own touch, making the castle even more special.

Sadly, today, only ruins of the castle remain. But you can still visit and imagine what life was like in the Middle Ages. Think of knights, princesses, and maybe even a dragon or two!

Even though Kindlestown Lower might seem like a quiet place now, it has a rich history filled with knights and castles. Isn't that exciting? Next time you visit, remember to look around and picture the amazing stories this townland has witnessed.

  1. Who built Kindlestown Castle and when was it built?
  2. What happened to the castle over the centuries?
  3. What can you see of Kindlestown Castle today?
  4. Why do you think each owner of the castle added their own touch?
  5. Imagine you are living in Kindlestown Castle in the Middle Ages. What would your day look like?

All About Kindlestown Lower

Hello young explorer! Let me take you on a tiny journey to Kindlestown Lower in County Wicklow, Ireland. This small, friendly place is part of the big, green world we all share!

Kindlestown Lower is filled with amazing natural treasures. Tucked between the beautiful Irish Sea and the charming Kindlestown Woods, it's like a secret garden waiting to be discovered. If you ever visit, you might notice tall, leafy trees that house chirping birds and scampering squirrels, and bright, blooming flowers that attract buzzing bees and fluttering butterflies.

One of the most exciting things about Kindlestown Lower is the lovely Delgany River that flows nearby. Rivers are like nature's roads, always on the move, carrying water from the mountains to the sea.

Speaking of mountains, the majestic Sugarloaf Mountain isn't far away. It's so tall it seems to touch the sky! Imagine standing at the top and looking out over the world - you'd feel like a giant!

Next time you visit a new place, remember to look closely. Just like Kindlestown Lower, every corner of our world has its own special secrets to share!

  1. What natural treasures can you find in Kindlestown Lower?
  2. Describe the geographical location of Kindlestown Lower. Where is it located in relation to the Irish Sea, Kindlestown Woods, and the Sugarloaf Mountain?
  3. How does the Delgany River contribute to the geography of Kindlestown Lower?
  4. Based on a map of Kindlestown Lower, can you identify and describe another geographical feature not mentioned in the article?
  5. Go on an exploration of your own local area. Can you find a geographical feature of interest? What is it and why did it catch your attention?

My Family and Kindlestown Lower

Hi there! My name is Gabe and I'm 8 years old. I live in a lovely place called Kindlestown Lower, in Co. Wicklow. My house is right between the hills and the sea. It's so cool!

From my bedroom window, I can see our local park. I go there every day after school. It's got a big playground with swings and a slide, and lots of trees for hiding and seek. My friends and I have lots of fun there.

There's this big tower near my house, it's called Kindlestown Castle. It's very old but all that's left now is a big stone tower. I like to imagine it was a castle for a giant king in the old days.

Do you know that there's a beach near my house? It's called Greystones beach. Sometimes, we find cool shells and stones there. I love building sandcastles and watching the waves.

I also love the Delgany Heritage Trail. My mum says it's a way to learn about the old days. I like the walk because I can see animals and pretty flowers.

  1. What is Gabe's favourite place to play with friends?
  2. Can you describe the Kindlestown Castle as per Gabe's imagination?
  3. What activities does Gabe enjoy doing at Greystones beach?
  4. Why does Gabe like the Delgany Heritage Trail?
  5. What can Gabe see from his bedroom window?

The Logainm of Kindlestown Lower

Kindlestown Lower is a special place in County Wicklow, Ireland. The name Kindlestown comes from the Irish word 'Cionn Léine', which means 'Head of the Shirt'. You might wonder why a place is named after a shirt! Well, it's not just any shirt, but a shirt linked to a famous warrior named Laoghaire Mac Neill. He was a brave king who loved his special shirt so much that when he died, people named the place where he was buried after his beloved shirt.

Over the years, 'Cionn Léine' changed a little and became Kindlestown. Today, Kindlestown Lower is a beautiful place with green fields, lovely homes, and a school. People who live here know and love the story of the brave king and his shirt. They are proud that their home is named after him and his beloved shirt. So, whenever you hear Kindlestown Lower, remember the story of the brave king and his shirt, and how much history is hidden in this name.

  1. Why is Kindlestown Lower named after a shirt?
  2. Who was the brave king that the place is named after?
  3. How has the name 'Cionn Léine' changed over time?
  4. What does the name Kindlestown Lower remind us of?
  5. Why do you think people are proud of the story of the brave king and his shirt?

Slideshow - Kindlestown Lower
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Kindlestown Lower