Welcome to Kilmeany

Kilmeany is a small, beautiful townland located in County Carlow, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish 'Cill Mheáin', which means 'middle church'. Isn't it amazing how places get their names from old languages like Irish?

Now, Kilmeany might be small, but it has a rich history. Long, long ago, before we had cars, airplanes or even electricity, people lived in Kilmeany. They farmed the land, raised animals and made their homes there, just like we do today.

One thing that makes Kilmeany special is its ancient ringfort. A ringfort is a circular area surrounded by a ditch and a bank, which was used as a home or a farm in olden times. This ringfort tells us that people lived in Kilmeany over a thousand years ago!

Although Kilmeany has changed over the centuries, it is still a peaceful and charming place. Today, it is home to many families who enjoy the quiet countryside and the friendly community. So, even though no big battles or grand events happened in Kilmeany, its history is still very precious because it tells the story of ordinary people like you and me, living their lives over many, many years.

  1. What does the name 'Kilmeany' mean in Irish?
  2. What is a ringfort, and why is it special in Kilmeany?
  3. How has Kilmeany changed over the centuries?
  4. Why do you think Kilmeany's history is important, even though no big battles or grand events happened there?
  5. Imagine you lived in Kilmeany a thousand years ago. How do you think your life would be different?

All About Kilmeany

Kilmeany, Co. Carlow is a wonderful place filled with exciting things to enjoy. This little village is nestled in the heart of Ireland's sunny southeast.

One of the most fun parts about Kilmeany is its nature. The area is full of beautiful green fields where sheep and cows graze. If you're lucky, you might even spot a red fox or a badger! The trees in Kilmeany are mostly ash and oak, and they are home to many birds like robins and sparrows.

Kilmeany isn't surrounded by mountains, but there is a lovely little river called the River Burren flowing nearby. It's a great place to spot ducks and maybe even a playful otter!

In the village itself, you'll find charming stone walls and cute cottages. The Main Street is the center of Kilmeany, with a few shops and the local school. Keep an eye out for the old stone well - it's been there for hundreds of years!

So, whether you're exploring the countryside or just strolling down Main Street, there's always something to discover in Kilmeany. Don't forget to listen for the birdsong!

  1. What are some animals that you might see in the fields around Kilmeany?
  2. What type of trees are common in Kilmeany and what birds might you find in them?
  3. What is the name of the river that flows near Kilmeany and what wildlife might you spot there?
  4. Can you draw a map of Kilmeany, showing the Main Street, the River Burren, and the surrounding fields and woods?
  5. Explore the area around Kilmeany yourself. Find something of geographical interest, whether it's a unique land feature, a different type of animal or plant, or a historical landmark. Write a short report on what you discovered and why it's interesting.

My Family and Kilmeany

Hi, I'm Gabby, and I'm 8 years old! I live in the best place ever, Kilmeany Co. Carlow. It's so cool here. We've got the most amazing places like Duckett's Grove. It's an old castle, but not like the ones in fairytales, it's a ruin but looks spooky and fun. Sometimes, I pretend I'm a brave knight protecting the castle.

I also love going to the Altamont Gardens with my family. The trees are so tall and the river is so clear, I can see my reflection. I usually play hide and seek with my friends there, it's so big that we never run out of hiding spots!

My house is near the Barrow Way. It's a long walking path. On sunny days, my family and I walk there. Dad says it's 120km long, but I've never walked that far. The best part is when we have picnics by the river Barrow. I love it here in Kilmeany Co. Carlow. It's my little piece of heaven!

  1. Who is Gabby and how old is Gabby?
  2. What is Gabby's favourite activity in Duckett's Grove?
  3. What does Gabby like to do in Altamont Gardens?
  4. What does Gabby's family usually do along the Barrow Way?
  5. Describe Gabby's feelings about living in Kilmeany Co. Carlow.

The Logainm of Kilmeany

Once upon a time, deep in the roots of Ireland, lies a little place called Kilmeany in County Carlow. The name 'Kilmeany' is magical because it tells us a story from the past. In the Irish language, it's called 'Cill Míne'. Can you guess what it means? 'Cill' means 'church', and 'Míne' stands for 'smooth or fine'. So, Kilmeany means 'the church of the smooth or fine'. Isn't that interesting?

A long, long time ago, people built a church there, and it must have been very smooth or fine, so they named the whole place after it! Over the years, the name changed a little bit, just like how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. And that's how 'Cill Míne' became 'Kilmeany'.

Nowadays, there might not be a fine church in Kilmeany, but the name still reminds us of the people who lived there long before us, and the beautiful church they once had. So, every time you hear 'Kilmeany', remember the story of the fine church and the people who named it.

  1. What does 'Kilmeany' mean in English?
  2. Can you tell the story of how Kilmeany got its name?
  3. What does 'Cill' mean in Irish?
  4. What does 'Míne' mean in Irish?
  5. How does the name 'Kilmeany' connect us to the past?

Slideshow - Kilmeany
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Kilmeany