Welcome to Killoskehan

Killoskehan, a little townland in County Tipperary, is a charming place with its own special story. A long, long time ago, this place was part of the ancient kingdom of Éile (pronounced "Aila"), which was ruled by brave kings and their loyal followers.

Even though no big battles were fought here, or famous people were born, Killoskehan was always bustling with life. Farmers tilled the soil, planting and harvesting crops, while shepherds watched over their flocks of sheep.

The biggest landmark in Killoskehan is a very old, beautiful church, called St. Cuana's Church. St Cuana was a wise man from Ireland's early Christian years, and it's believed he had a monastery here. Imagine, kids just like you learning and playing here more than a thousand years ago!

The people of Killoskehan have always been a friendly bunch. They love to share stories about their townland, and keep its history alive. Although it's a small place, Killoskehan holds a big place in the hearts of those who live there. It's a wonderful reminder that every place, no matter how small, has a story to tell.

  1. What was the name of the ancient kingdom Killoskehan was once a part of?
  2. What is the biggest landmark in Killoskehan?
  3. Who was St. Cuana?
  4. Why do you think the people of Killoskehan love to share stories about their townland?
  5. What does Killoskehan's story tell us about the importance of small places?

All About Killoskehan

Welcome, young explorers, to Killoskehan in County Tipperary, a magical place in Ireland! This little village is surrounded by beautiful green fields and farms. It's a bit like being in a huge natural playground!

Killoskehan doesn't have many streets, but it does have a number of winding country roads that criss-cross the landscape. These roads will often lead you to some lovely farmhouses and cottages.

In the fields, you might spot some friendly cows and sheep, and if you're really lucky, a cheeky fox or a scampering rabbit. The hedgerows and trees are home to birds like robins and sparrows. If you look closer, you'll find interesting bugs and butterflies too!

Killoskehan isn't near any big mountains, but it's not too far from the river Suir, one of Ireland's longest rivers! If you visit it, you might see fish and maybe even an otter!

The village doesn't have much street furniture, like benches or lampposts, because it's so small. But it does have some charming stone walls and wooden gates that add to its rustic charm.

Killoskehan is a peaceful, beautiful spot full of nature's wonders. It's a great place for young adventurers like you to learn and explore.

  1. Can you name the animals you might see in the fields and hedgerows of Killoskehan?
  2. What is the name of the river that is not too far from Killoskehan and why is it significant?
  3. Can you draw a simple map of Killoskehan, including the winding country roads and the river Suir?
  4. Why do you think Killoskehan doesn't have much street furniture like benches or lampposts?
  5. Take a walk around Killoskehan (with a grown-up) and try to find something of geographical interest. This could be a type of tree, a rock formation, or a landmark. What did you find and why is it interesting?

My Family and Killoskehan

Hi, I'm Ira and I just turned 8 years old. I live in this cool place called Killoskehan in Co. Tipperary. It's a small place, but there's lots of fun stuff to do here.

There's this big old church near my house, it's really, really old. I think it's called St. Patrick's Church. I like to play hide and seek with my friends around the churchyard. It's spooky but fun!

Do you know we have a castle here? Yes, a real castle! It's called Killoskehan Castle. I sometimes pretend I'm a prince or a princess living in that castle. Sometimes, I draw pictures of the castle in my notebook.

And guess what? We have our own GAA pitch. My dad says GAA is a big part of Irish life. I don’t understand all of it yet but I love watching the games with him. One day, I want to play on that field.

Living in Killoskehan is fun. I like exploring the fields, playing with my friends, and sometimes just watching the cows on the farms. It's not a big city, but it's my home and I love it here!

  1. Can you tell me what games I like to play at the churchyard?
  2. What do I like to do at the Killoskehan castle?
  3. Why do I enjoy watching the GAA games with my dad?
  4. What kind of things do I like to do around Killoskehan?
  5. Why do I love living in Killoskehan?

The Logainm of Killoskehan

Killoskehan is a small village in County Tipperary, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish words "Cill" and "Oscain". "Cill" means church, and "Oscain" is the name of a saint. So, Killoskehan translates to "Church of Oscain" in English. Long ago, many Irish places were named after saints, because these saints were very important to the people who lived there.

Saint Oscain, to whom the church was dedicated, was a holy man who lived a long time ago. He did a lot of good things for the people in the area, and they loved him very much. So, when they built a church, they decided to name it after him, to remember all the good he did.

Even today, the name Killoskehan reminds us of Saint Oscain and the church that was named after him. It helps us remember the history and traditions of the place, and the people who lived there long time ago. Even though many things have changed, the name Killoskehan remains the same, linking us to the past and to Saint Oscain's good deeds.

  1. What does "Killoskehan" mean in English?
  2. What are the two Irish words that make up the name "Killoskehan"?
  3. Why do you think many Irish places were named after saints?
  4. Who was Saint Oscain and why was a church named after him?
  5. How does the name Killoskehan link us to the past?

Slideshow - Killoskehan
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Killoskehan