Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
40 minutes Books and internet resources about Killinaboy's history Introduce the history of Killinaboy, focusing on the meaning and history of the placename Activity 1: Research the history of the placename and its significance.
Activity 2: Create a timeline of events related to the placename.
Activity 3: Discuss how the area might have looked in the past based on its name.
Wrap-up discussion on the history of Killinaboy and it's placename. Assess students' understanding through their participation in class discussion and the quality of their timeline.
40 minutes Biographies and internet resources about notable people from Clare Introduce a notable person from Clare area. Activity 1: Write a paragraph about the person's life and achievements.
Activity 2: Draw a picture of the person and what they're known for.
Activity 3: Discuss how the person's work has impacted the area.
Wrap-up discussion on the impact of the notable person's work on the area. Assess students' understanding through their written paragraph, drawing and participation in discussion.
40 minutes Geographic maps and internet resources about Killinaboy Introduce the natural geography of Killinaboy. Activity 1: Identify and label key natural features on a map of Killinaboy.
Activity 2: Discuss the formation of these natural features.
Activity 3: Discuss how these features impact the lifestyle of people in the area.
Wrap-up discussion on the importance of geography in our daily lives. Assess students' understanding through their map labeling and participation in discussion.
40 minutes Blank maps, coloring materials Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance. Activity 1: Draw a map of Killinaboy.
Activity 2: Mark and label significant landmarks on the map.
Activity 3: Discuss the importance of accuracy in mapping.
Wrap-up discussion on the skills they've learned and used in creating their maps. Assess students' understanding through their map drawing and labeling accuracy.
40 minutes Books and internet resources about biodiversity in Killinaboy Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance. Activity 1: Identify different species present in the area.
Activity 2: Discuss the role of each species in the ecosystem.
Activity 3: Discuss ways to protect the biodiversity of the area.
Wrap-up discussion on the importance of protecting biodiversity. Assess students' understanding through their identification of species and participation in discussion.
40 minutes Art materials (paint, brushes, paper, etc.) Introduce visual arts and how the local area can be a stimulus for creating art. Activity 1: Sketch or paint a landscape or feature of Killinaboy.
Activity 2: Discuss their artwork and their choice of subject.
Activity 3: Discuss how the area inspires their artistic expression.
Wrap-up discussion on how art can be used to express one's feelings and perspectives about a place. Assess students' understanding through their artwork and participation in discussion.