Welcome to Killinaboy

In the beautiful county of Clare in Ireland, there's a special place called Killinaboy. This townland is very, very old. Can you imagine being in a place that has history dating back thousands of years?

Many years ago, long before your great-great-great-grandparents were born, people lived in Killinaboy. They built a church called St. Inghin's Church, which is still standing today. It's really amazing to see something so old, isn't it?

Also, did you know that Killinaboy means "Church of the Boys" in Irish? It got its name because young boys used to be taught here a long, long time ago.

There's also a special stone in Killinaboy called the "Sheela-na-Gig." It's a funny name, right? This stone has a carving of a lady, and it's considered very mysterious and magical. Some people believe it was a symbol to keep away evil.

So, even though there are no big battles or famous kings in Killinaboy's history, it's still a fascinating place. It's a reminder of how people lived and believed in magic many, many years ago. Isn't history exciting?

  1. What is the name of the townland in County Clare that is very old?
  2. What is the name of the church in Killinaboy?
  3. What does Killinaboy mean in Irish?
  4. Why do you think the stone "Sheela-na-Gig" could be considered mysterious and magical?
  5. Even though there are no big battles or famous kings in Killinaboy, why is it still considered a fascinating place?

All About Killinaboy

Killinaboy, in County Clare, is a wonderful place to explore! It lies within the Burren, a unique rocky landscape full of cool plants and animals. Did you know that the Burren is home to three-quarters of Ireland's species of flowers? Look out for the bright yellow Mountain Avens!

Killinaboy is also near a lot of interesting natural features. It is close to the Fergus River, which is great for spotting birds and other wildlife. If you like to hike, you can visit the nearby Mullaghmore mountain. The views from there are amazing!

As for streets, Killinaboy doesn't have many, but Main Street is a key one. Here, you'll find the old schoolhouse, which is an important historical site. There's also a unique cross-shaped street lamp, which is very special to the village.

While you're there, don't forget to visit the Killinaboy Church. It's really old and has a carving of a Sheela-na-gig, which is a medieval figure that was believed to protect against evil.

Remember, Killinaboy is a place full of history, nature, and beauty. So, whether you're studying plants, watching birds, or exploring streets, there's always something exciting to discover!.

  1. What unique species of flowers might you see in the Burren?
  2. What interesting natural features are near Killinaboy?
  3. What significant historical sites can you find on Main Street in Killinaboy?
  4. Can you use a map to plot a route from the old schoolhouse to the Killinaboy Church?
  5. Explore the area around Killinaboy. Can you find a geographical feature or landmark not mentioned in the text? Describe it.

My Family and Killinaboy

Hi there! My name is Izzy and I just turned 8. I live in Killinaboy, Co. Clare. It's really cool here! We have a really big church in the middle of our village. It's called St. Caimin's Church, and it's super old, like 1000 years old. I like to imagine what it was like back then.

We also have this hill called Mullaghmore. It's really tall and when you get to the top, you can see everything! There's also a place called the Burren which has all these weird rocks. It looks like the moon! My friends and I love to go exploring there, we pretend we're astronauts.

One of the best parts of Killinaboy is the River Fergus. We often have picnics by the river during summer. The water is so clear and cool. Sometimes, we even see fishes swimming around. It's the best!

  1. What is the name of the church in Killinaboy?
  2. What can you see when you get to the top of Mullaghmore?
  3. Where do Izzy and their friends pretend to be astronauts?
  4. What do Izzy and their friends do by the River Fergus during summer?
  5. How old is Izzy?

The Logainm of Killinaboy

Killinaboy is the name of a place in County Clare, Ireland. In the Irish language, it's called Cill Iníne Baoith. This might sound a bit tricky, but it has a very special meaning. 'Cill' means church, 'Iníne' means of the daughter and 'Baoith' is a person's name. So, Killinaboy actually means 'Church of Baoith's daughter'.

Long, long ago, Baoith had a daughter who was very religious. She built a church in this place and that's how it got its name. Even today, you can find old ruins of the church, reminding us of the story behind the name.

The village of Killinaboy is still a lovely place to visit. People live there, go to school there, and enjoy the beautiful nature around them. Even the name of their village tells a story from a long time ago, which is pretty cool, isn't it?

  1. What does 'Cill' mean in Irish?

  2. Who was Baoith?

  3. What does the name Killinaboy mean in English?

  4. What can you find in Killinaboy today that reminds us of its history?

  5. Why do you think it's important to know the meaning behind the name of a place?

Slideshow - Killinaboy
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Killinaboy