Below is a sample of how Lesson 1, the history lesson about Killea Co. Tipperary, could look as an HTML table: ```HTML
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes History books, Internet access, Projector for visual presentation Begin by providing a brief overview of Killea Co. Tipperary. Discuss its location within Ireland and when it was established.
  • Activity 1: Students will research the history of the placename Killea, exploring its origin and meaning.
  • Activity 2: Students will create a timeline of significant events in the history of Killea Co. Tipperary.
  • Activity 3: Students will work in groups to prepare a presentation on a specific period in Killea's history, to be shared with the class.
Wrap up the lesson by summarizing the important points of Killea's history. Encourage students to share what they learned during the activities. Assess students based on their participation in the activities and the accuracy of the information in their timelines and presentations.
``` Please note that you would need to replace the placeholder text with the actual content appropriate for each lesson. Follow this template for each of the 6 lessons you plan to create.