Welcome to Killea

Killea is a small townland in County Tipperary, Ireland. Do you know what a townland is? It's a small area of land, like your neighborhood. Killea is special because it's rich in history.

Long, long ago, even before your great-great-grandparents were born, Killea was known for its beautiful church. This church was built way back in the 12th century! That's over 800 years ago! The church was named after a saint called Ailbe. He was very important in Ireland's early Christian history.

The church, unfortunately, is not standing anymore. But, don't be sad. In place of the old church, a new church was built in the 19th century. So, when you visit Killea, you'll still see a church there.

Killea might be a small place, but it has big stories to tell. It shows how old things can make way for new things, just like the old church made way for the new one. It's important to remember our history because it tells us how we came to be. And remember, even a small townland like Killea can have a big history!

  1. What is a townland?
  2. What is Killea known for?
  3. Who was the church in Killea named after?
  4. Why do you think it's important to remember our history?
  5. How does Killea show that old things can make way for new things?

All About Killea

Killea is a lively village located in the beautiful County Tipperary, Ireland. The land is a mix of green fields, hills, and woods, making it a fun playground for children like you. You might notice cows, sheep or even foxes, because Ireland is famous for these animals!

The village is full of charming streets like the Main Street, where you can see pretty houses and shops. There is a cool place called Killea Graveyard, which is filled with history. Don't worry, it's not spooky, it's just very old!

Nearby, there's a wonderful river called the Little Brosna River. It's not a big, noisy river, but a small, peaceful one, where you might spot ducks and fish. Be careful not to slip in though!

The area is also covered with interesting plants and trees. Keep an eye out for the Hawthorn tree. It's a special tree that exists in Ireland. In May, it blooms with beautiful white flowers.

In Killea, you'll also find a lovely park with benches and colourful flowers. It's a perfect spot for a picnic or to read a book. Isn't Killea a wonderful place to live or visit? It's like a great outdoor classroom!

  1. What types of animals might you find in Killea?
  2. What is special about the Hawthorn tree in Ireland?
  3. Using a map, can you identify the Little Brosna River and its location in relation to Killea village?
  4. Describe the geographical features of Killea using words like hills, fields, and river.
  5. Explore the area around you. Can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in this article? Write a short paragraph describing it.

My Family and Killea

Hi, I'm Val! I'm 8 years old and I live in Killea, Co. Tipperary. It's a really cool place to grow up. The best thing about living here is that I'm close to the River Suir. It's so big! We often have picnics there and I like to watch the water flow. It's very peaceful.

There's also this amazing castle called Ormond Castle. It's super old and I love imagining that I'm a knight or a princess living there long ago. The castle has lots of rooms and secret places. It's like being in a fairy tale!

Another thing I love here is the food. We have the best apples in the world! And I don't say that just because my Dad works at the apple orchard. They're really sweet and juicy. I like to help him sometimes and I feel like a real farmer.

Living in Killea is fun and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I'm growing up in a place full of history, nature, and delicious apples. Can't wait to share more about my adventures with you!

  1. What is the name of the river close to Val's home?
  2. What does Val like to imagine when visiting Ormond Castle?
  3. What is special about the apples in Killea according to Val?
  4. How does Val feel about living in Killea?
  5. What are some of the things that Val enjoys about Killea?

The Logainm of Killea

Killea is a beautiful place in County Tipperary, Ireland. It's Irish name is "Cill Íde", which is translated into English as "Church of Íde". Íde was a very special woman in Irish history. She lived a long, long time ago and she was known for her kindness and her love for all people. Many stories tell us that she helped the poor and took care of those who were sick. Because of her good deeds, a church was named after her.

Today, Killea is a peaceful and friendly village. People live in houses, go to school, and play in the fields, just like you! They remember Íde by keeping their community full of love and kindness, just like she did. Even though times have changed, the spirit of Killea stays the same. Everyone tries to be as good and kind as Íde was, and that is the best way to honor her memory.

  1. Who was Íde and why was a church named after her?
  2. What does the name Killea mean in English?
  3. How do the people of Killea today remember and honor Íde?
  4. Where is Killea located?
  5. How has Killea changed over the years?

Slideshow - Killea
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Killea