Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Kilgobnet Co. Kerry 60 minutes Books on local history, Internet access, Maps, Writing materials Introduce Kilgobnet Co. Kerry and its historical significance. Discuss the logainm (place name).
  • Activity 1: Research the history of the place name and its origins.
  • Activity 2: Create a timeline of important historical events.
  • Activity 3: Write a report about the area's history.
Summarize the history of Kilgobnet Co. Kerry and the importance of its place name. Assess the timeline, report and class participation.
2: Notable Person from the Area 60 minutes Books or online resources on the notable person, Writing materials Introduce the notable person from (or near) Kilgobnet Co. Kerry.
  • Activity 1: Research the notable person's life and achievements.
  • Activity 2: Create a biography of the person.
  • Activity 3: Role-play an interview with the notable person.
Discuss how the notable person has influenced or impacted Kilgobnet Co. Kerry. Assess the biography, role-play and class participation.
3: Geography of the Area 60 minutes Maps, Books or online resources on local geography, Writing materials Introduce the physical geography of Kilgobnet Co. Kerry.
  • Activity 1: Identify and label geographical features on a map.
  • Activity 2: Research one geographical feature in detail.
  • Activity 3: Discuss how these features might impact life in the area.
Summarize the geographical features of Kilgobnet Co. Kerry and their impact on the area. Assess the map labeling, research and class participation.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Blank maps, Pens, Rulers Discuss the importance of maps and how to read them.
  • Activity 1: Draw a map of Kilgobnet Co. Kerry.
  • Activity 2: Label key landmarks and geographical features on the map.
  • Activity 3: Create a key for the map.
Discuss how maps help us understand and navigate places like Kilgobnet Co. Kerry. Assess the completed maps, keys and class participation.
5: Biodiversity & Conservation 60 minutes Books or online resources on local biodiversity, Writing materials Discuss the concept of biodiversity and its importance in Kilgobnet Co. Kerry.
  • Activity 1: Identify different species found in the area.
  • Activity 2: Discuss threats to local biodiversity.
  • Activity 3: Propose strategies for protecting biodiversity.
Discuss the importance of biodiversity and conservation in Kilgobnet Co. Kerry. Assess the species identification, discussions and class participation.
6: Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies (paints, brushes, paper, etc.), Images or photos of Kilgobnet Co. Kerry Discuss how the local area can be used as inspiration for art.
  • Activity 1: Sketch or paint a landscape of Kilgobnet Co. Kerry.
  • Activity 2: Create a sculpture or model using local materials.
  • Activity 3: Draw or paint a picture of a local species.
Discuss the artworks created and how they represent Kilgobnet Co. Kerry. Assess the artworks and class participation.