Welcome to Kilgobnet

Kilgobnet is a lovely little townland in County Kerry, Ireland. This place is just like a storybook, with its lush green fields and sparkling streams. Do you know what a townland is? It's a small area of land that's been around since olden times.

But let's talk about Kilgobnet's history. Many years ago, before your great-great-great grandparents were born, Kilgobnet was part of an ancient kingdom called "The Kingdom of Desmond". This kingdom was filled with mighty warriors and wise kings.

One of the most exciting things about Kilgobnet is its old church. This church is named after Saint Gobnait, a special lady who lived hundreds of years ago. People believed she could perform miracles to keep away diseases and protect from evil. That's why they named the church in her honour!

So, even though no grand battles or famous inventors come from Kilgobnet, it's still a special place. It's a living storybook where you can see and feel history all around - from the old Kingdom of Desmond to the miracles of Saint Gobnait. Isn't it fascinating how every place has its own story to tell?

  1. What is a townland?
  2. What was Kilgobnet part of many years ago?
  3. Who is the old church in Kilgobnet named after and why?
  4. Why do you think the author describes Kilgobnet as a 'storybook'?
  5. What does the story of Kilgobnet tell you about the importance of history and tradition in a place?

All About Kilgobnet

Kilgobnet is a lovely little village in County Kerry, Ireland. It's nestled in a beautiful valley surrounded by towering mountains, the biggest one is called Drung Hill.

The village is criss-crossed by winding country roads. One notable street is the Bealalaw Bridge road, which leads to a charming old stone bridge over the River Ferta. It's a perfect spot for playing Poohsticks!

Kilgobnet is rich in nature. You can often spot playful rabbits, chirpy birds, and even shy badgers. The fields and hedgerows are full of wildflowers like buttercups and daisies. If you walk quietly, you might even spot a red fox!

The River Ferta is a fantastic place to watch trout swimming upstream. And if you look closely, you might see otters playing in the water. The river winds its way through the village, surrounded by lush green fields.

There are no big buildings, but you'll find plenty of traditional stone walls and quaint cottages. The local church, with its tall spire, can be seen from miles around.

So, Kilgobnet is a magical place where nature and tradition live side by side. It's a great place to explore, but remember - leave only footprints, take only pictures!.

  1. What is the name of the biggest mountain in Kilgobnet and what are some features of the village's geography?
  2. Describe the wildlife you might encounter in Kilgobnet.
  3. Using a map of Kilgobnet, find and describe the route you would take to get from the Bealalaw Bridge to the local church.
  4. What is the importance of the River Ferta to Kilgobnet's geography and ecosystem?
  5. Explore Kilgobnet or a similar area near you and find something of geographical interest. Describe the feature and explain why you found it interesting.

My Family and Kilgobnet

Hi! I'm Taylor and I just turned 8. I live in a super cool place called Kilgobnet, in County Kerry. It's in Ireland, in case you didn't know. It's full of green fields and lots of sheep. I really like it here because it's peaceful and I can play outside a lot.

Right next to my house is a big hill. It's called Beentee Mountain. Sometimes, dad and I go for hikes there. It's really high and a bit hard to climb, but once you're on top, you can see the whole village. It's my favourite spot to have a picnic. I can spot our house from up there!

There's also a neat old church nearby, it's called St. Michael's Church. It's really old, but still pretty. Mum says it's a place of history. I don't know much about history, but I like the look of the old stones.

Did I mention the river? Yeah, we have a river. It's called the River Laune. I like to throw pebbles in it and watch the ripples. But the best part is when I see a fish jump out of the water! That's always a surprise.

So, that's a bit about my life in Kilgobnet. It's a cool place to be a kid. Hope you liked reading about it!

  1. What is the name of the mountain Taylor often hikes with their dad?
  2. What is Taylor's favourite activity to do at the river?
  3. What does Taylor's mum say about St. Michael's Church?
  4. Why does Taylor like living in Kilgobnet?
  5. Can you describe one of the places Taylor mentioned using your own words?

The Logainm of Kilgobnet

Kilgobnet is a lovely little place in County Kerry, Ireland. The name Kilgobnet might sound a bit funny, but it has a special meaning. In Irish, 'Kil' means church and 'Gobnet' is the name of a saint. So, Kilgobnet means 'Church of Saint Gobnet'. Isn't that interesting?

Many, many years ago, there was a lovely lady named Gobnet who was known for her kindness and care for the sick and poor. People loved her so much that they named a church after her. This church was in Kilgobnet, and that's how the place got its name.

Today, Kilgobnet still carries the same name, reminding us of Saint Gobnet and her good deeds. Even though times have changed, the story of Saint Gobnet inspires us to be kind and helpful to others, just like she was.

  1. What does the name Kilgobnet mean?
  2. Who was Saint Gobnet?
  3. Why was the place named after Saint Gobnet?
  4. How does the story of Saint Gobnet inspire us today?
  5. How is the history of Kilgobnet linked to the present day?

Slideshow - Kilgobnet
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Kilgobnet