Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
History of Kilcullenbridge 1 Hour Books, Internet Access, Projector Begin with a brief introduction of Kilcullenbridge and its importance in Irish history.
  • Activity 1: Children will research and present a short history of the area.
  • Activity 2: A discussion on the origin of the placename.
  • Activity 3: A small quiz to test their understanding.
Summarize the important points of Kilcullenbridge's history. A short written or verbal quiz based on the day's lesson.
Notable Person 1 Hour Books, Internet Access Introduce the notable person from the area, their life and achievements.
  • Activity 1: Children will research more about the person's life and achievements.
  • Activity 2: A discussion on why this person is important.
  • Activity 3: A drawing or writing activity about this person.
Summarize the importance of this person in the history of Kilcullenbridge. A short written or verbal quiz based on the day's lesson.
Natural Geography 1 Hour Maps, Internet Access Introduce the natural geography of Kilcullenbridge, including its rivers, mountains, etc.
  • Activity 1: Children will identify these features on a map.
  • Activity 2: A discussion on why these features are important to the area.
  • Activity 3: A model making activity of the natural geography.
Summarize the importance of these features to Kilcullenbridge. A short written or verbal quiz based on the day's lesson.
Mapping Skills 1 Hour Maps, Pens, Rulers Introduce the concept of map reading and its importance.
  • Activity 1: Children will practice reading a map of Kilcullenbridge.
  • Activity 2: A discussion on why mapping skills are important.
  • Activity 3: A map drawing activity of the area.
Summarize the importance of the day's mapping skills lesson. A short written or verbal quiz based on the day's lesson.
Biodiversity 1 Hour Books, Internet Access Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance in Kilcullenbridge.
  • Activity 1: Children will research and present on the biodiversity of the area.
  • Activity 2: A discussion on how to protect the biodiversity of the area.
  • Activity 3: A poster making activity on biodiversity protection.
Summarize the importance of biodiversity and its protection. A short written or verbal quiz based on the day's lesson.
Visual Arts 1 Hour Art Supplies Introduce the concept of using the local area as a stimulus for creating art.
  • Activity 1: Children will create a piece of art inspired by Kilcullenbridge.
  • Activity 2: A discussion on how the area inspired their art.
  • Activity 3: A gallery walk to appreciate each other's art.
Summarize the importance of the local area in inspiring art. Evaluation of the art pieces created by the children.