Welcome to Kilcullenbridge

Kilcullenbridge is a charming townland in County Kildare, Ireland. It's full of friendly people and beautiful green landscapes, but did you know it also has an exciting past?

Hundreds of years ago, this place was a bustling hub of activity. See, Kilcullenbridge is named after a very special bridge. This bridge was built in the 1310s, that's over 700 years ago - older than your great-great-great-great-great-grandparents!

This bridge wasn't just any bridge. It was a very important part of a big road that connected the East and the West of Ireland. Imagine all the horses, carts, and people crossing that bridge every day, carrying goods, news, and stories from one side of the country to the other. Makes you wonder what kind of exciting tales it could tell if it could talk, doesn't it?

Even though times have changed, and we now have cars and trucks instead of horses and carts, Kilcullenbridge still holds onto its rich history. Next time you visit, try to imagine all the fascinating stories that have taken place there over the centuries.

  1. What is Kilcullenbridge named after?
  2. When was the special bridge in Kilcullenbridge built?
  3. What was the purpose of the bridge in the past?
  4. If the bridge could talk, what kind of stories do you think it would tell? Use your imagination.
  5. How has transportation changed over the years in Kilcullenbridge, and how has the town adapted to these changes?

All About Kilcullenbridge

Kilcullenbridge, often simply called Kilcullen, is a charming little town in County Kildare, Ireland. It's a fun place to explore! There are many streets, but the most famous one is probably Main Street, where you can find lots of shops and houses.

Do you like nature? Kilcullen is surrounded by beautiful green fields and pastures. If you're lucky, you might spot some of Ireland's native animals like foxes, rabbits, and even deer! There are also many different types of birds to look out for.

One of the special things in Kilcullen is the old stone bridge across the River Liffey. This river flows right through the town and is home to ducks and fishes. If you're patient, you might even spot a heron fishing!

In the town, you'll see some pretty street furniture too, like old-fashioned lampposts and benches where you can sit and watch the world go by.

Just outside of Kilcullen, you'll find the Wicklow Mountains. They're not in Kilcullen, but they're close enough to visit. The mountains are a beautiful natural feature with lots of hiking trails and wildlife.

So, as you can see, Kilcullen is a great place to discover both town life and the wonders of nature!

  1. What is the most famous street in Kilcullen and what can you find there?
  2. Describe the natural environment surrounding Kilcullen. What types of wildlife might you see?
  3. What is unique about the River Liffey as it flows through Kilcullen?
  4. Using a map of Kilcullen, identify and describe a geographical feature not mentioned in the article.
  5. Explore the area around Kilcullen yourself. What geographical feature or point of interest did you find and why is it significant?

My Family and Kilcullenbridge

Hi! My name is Zephyr and I'm 8 years old. I live in Kilcullenbridge, Co. Kildare. It's a really cool place. It's got lots of fun places. One of them is the Round Tower. It's super tall and old. I like to imagine what it was used to do.

Another awesome place is the Kilcullen River. Sometimes we have picnics by the river. And we see ducks and swans. They're so pretty and funny when they quack!

I also like going to the Kilcullen Heritage Centre. It's like stepping back in time. My friends and I love learning about the history of our town.

Living in Kilcullenbridge is so much fun. There's always something to do and see. I can't wait to grow up here and see how it changes. But I also hope some things stay the same. Because I love it just the way it is.

  1. What's your name and how old are you?
  2. Can you tell me about the place where you live?
  3. What's the Round Tower like?
  4. What do you do by the Kilcullen River?
  5. What do you learn at the Kilcullen Heritage Centre?

The Logainm of Kilcullenbridge

Kilcullenbridge is a special place in County Kildare, Ireland. The name sounds a bit strange, right? It's because it's a logainm, which is a special Irish word for a place-name. Let's break it down: 'Kil' means church in Irish and 'cullen' comes from 'Cuilinn', which means holly. So, Kilcullenbridge means 'The church of the holly'.

Now, let's dive a bit into history. Long, long ago, there was a church surrounded by holly trees and that's how Kilcullenbridge got its name. Isn't that interesting? Holly trees are very special, they stay green all year round and have bright red berries that look like tiny Christmas ornaments.

Fast forward to today, Kilcullenbridge is a bustling town, full of life, but still holds onto its history. The holly trees may not be as many as before, but the spirit of the old church still lives on. Living in Kilcullenbridge means being a part of a story that began centuries ago, and will continue for many more to come.

  1. What is a logainm?
  2. What does 'Kil' mean in Irish?
  3. Why do you think the place was named after a church and holly trees?
  4. What is special about holly trees?
  5. How does the history of Kilcullenbridge connect to the present day?

Slideshow - Kilcullenbridge
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Kilcullenbridge