Welcome to Kilcornan

Kilcornan is a special little place in County Galway, Ireland. It is what we call a 'townland', which is a small area of land. Kilcornan has been around for a very long time, even before your great-great-great grandparents were born!

Back in the old days, Kilcornan was known for farming. People grew a lot of potatoes, cabbage, and other vegetables on its green, fertile land. They also raised animals like cows and sheep. Can you imagine living there and waking up to the sound of mooing cows and baaing sheep every day?

While no big battles or royal events happened in Kilcornan, its everyday stories are just as important. The people of Kilcornan were strong, kind, and hardworking. They built homes, raised families, and helped one another. They celebrated good times and supported each other in tough times.

So, remember, even if a place like Kilcornan might seem small and quiet, it's full of history and stories just waiting to be discovered. Every field, every old stone wall, every tree has a tale to tell. Wouldn't it be fun to go there and find out more?

  1. What is a 'townland'?
  2. What were the main activities in Kilcornan in the old days?
  3. Describe the people of Kilcornan based on the text.
  4. Why do you think the everyday stories of Kilcornan are just as important as big battles or royal events?
  5. If you were to visit Kilcornan, what would you be most interested in discovering? Why?

All About Kilcornan

Kilcornan, in Co. Galway, is a lovely place in Ireland, full of green spaces and beautiful landscapes. It's like a big outdoor playground! The village is surrounded by lots of fields where you can see cows and sheep grazing. It's not unusual to spot hares hopping around or hear the chirping of skylarks in the sky. There are also many different types of trees, like ash and oak.

The most famous street in Kilcornan is the Old Dublin Road. It's called this because it was once the main road from Galway to Dublin! Imagine travelling all that way on a horse and cart!

One of the most special places in Kilcornan is the Clarin River. It's a perfect spot for skipping stones and watching the ducks float by. If you're really lucky, you might even see a kingfisher – a bird with bright blue feathers that loves to fish in the river.

Nearby, you'll find the Slieve Aughty Mountains. They may look really tall, but don't worry, they're not as high as the really big mountains you see in books. Still, they make a great backdrop for a picnic!

Remember, Kilcornan is more than just a place on a map. It's a living, breathing world full of surprises!

  1. What types of animals might you see in the fields surrounding Kilcornan?
  2. Why is the Old Dublin Road significant in Kilcornan's history?
  3. Describe the Clarin River and the wildlife that can be found there.
  4. Using a map, can you find the Slieve Aughty Mountains and estimate their distance from Kilcornan?
  5. Explore the area of Kilcornan yourself using Google Earth or another mapping tool. Can you find something of geographical interest not mentioned in this text?

My Family and Kilcornan

Hi there, I'm Danny! I'm 8 years old and I live in a beautiful place called Kilcornan Co. Galway. My house is near the coolest forest ever, Clarinbridge. It's so big and green, and it's full of trees and animals. I love going there with my friends after school.

Did you know, we also have a famous castle here? It's called Oranmore Castle! It's really old but it's so cool. I wish I was a king or a queen and could live in a castle like that! Sometimes, we go to the castle for a school trip and I always learn something new!

And we also have a big, blue ocean here. The Galway Bay is just amazing. I love to go there with my family on weekends. We play with the sand, swim and eat ice cream. It's so much fun!

Living in Kilcornan Co. Galway is great. There's always something to do and see. I love it here. I can't wait to tell you more about my adventures!

  1. What is the name of the forest near Danny's house?
  2. What does Danny like to do at the Galway Bay?
  3. Who does Danny go to the ocean with?
  4. What is one thing Danny learns when he visits Oranmore Castle?
  5. How does Danny feel about living in Kilcornan Co. Galway?

The Logainm of Kilcornan

Kilcornan is a place in County Galway, Ireland. The name 'Kilcornan' comes from the Irish language 'Cill Churnáin'. 'Cill' in Irish means 'church' and 'Churnáin' means 'of the little heap'. So, Kilcornan means 'Church of the little heap'.

Long, long ago, people in Ireland spoke only Irish. But over time, many people started speaking English. When this happened, a lot of Irish place names were translated into English. This is how 'Cill Churnáin' became 'Kilcornan'. It's like when you tell a story to your friend, and they tell it to someone else, and each time, the story changes a little bit.

Today, even though most people in Kilcornan speak English, the Irish name is still important. It reminds us of the history and stories of the people who lived there before us. It's like a secret code that tells us about the past. And just like we learn about the past from stories, we can learn from the names of places too.

  1. What is the Irish language name for Kilcornan?
  2. What does 'Cill Churnáin' mean in English?
  3. Why did 'Cill Churnáin' change to 'Kilcornan'?
  4. Why is the Irish name of Kilcornan still important today?
  5. How can place names tell us stories about the past?

Slideshow - Kilcornan
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Kilcornan