Sure! Here are four lesson plans based on the objectives you provided. Please note that these lesson plans are based on the information you provided and may require adaptation to suit your specific classroom needs. Lesson Plan 1: Exploring the Themes of Front Desk by Kelly Yang
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
45 minutes Copy of Front Desk by Kelly Yang, chart paper, markers, sticky notes - Introduce the book Front Desk by Kelly Yang to the students.
- Discuss the concept of themes in a book.
- Ask students to brainstorm possible themes for the story.
- Read aloud a selected chapter from the book.
- Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different theme.
- In their groups, students should identify instances in the chapter that support their assigned theme and write them on sticky notes.
- Each group should then present their findings to the class.
- Lead a class discussion on the various themes explored in Front Desk.
- Summarize the main themes of the book as a class.
- Observe students' participation in group work and class discussion.
Lesson Plan 2: Writing a Summary of Front Desk by Kelly Yang
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Copy of Front Desk by Kelly Yang, writing paper, pencils, markers - Recap the main events and characters of Front Desk.
- Explain the purpose of writing a summary.
- Model how to write a summary using a selected chapter from the book.
- Provide students with writing paper and ask them to choose a different chapter to summarize individually.
- Encourage students to include key events and main characters in their summaries.
- Allow students to share their summaries with a partner or in small groups.
- Invite a few volunteers to read their summaries aloud to the class.
- Assess students' summaries based on their understanding of the main events and characters of the book.
Lesson Plan 3: Writing a Review of Front Desk by Kelly Yang
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
45 minutes Copy of Front Desk by Kelly Yang, writing paper, pencils, markers - Discuss the concept of a book review and its purpose.
- Show examples of book reviews to the students.
- Explain the structure and elements of a book review (e.g., summary, personal opinion, recommendation).
- Ask students to individually read a chapter or section of Front Desk.
- Provide writing paper and ask students to write a book review for that specific part.
- Encourage students to include a summary of the chapter and their personal opinion.
- Remind them to provide reasons for their opinion and a recommendation for other readers.
- Allow students to share their book reviews in pairs or small groups.
- Invite a few volunteers to read their book reviews aloud to the class.
- Assess students' book reviews based on their understanding of the chapter, their ability to express their opinion, and their use of persuasive language.
Lesson Plan 4: Creating a Story Based on the Themes of Front Desk by Kelly Yang
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
90 minutes Chart paper, markers, writing paper, pencils - Recap the main themes of Front Desk as a class.
- Explain that students will be creating their own stories based on these themes.
- Brainstorm possible story ideas together.
- Divide the class into small groups.
- Assign each group a theme from Front Desk.
- In their groups, students should plan their story by discussing characters, setting, and plot related to their assigned theme.
- Provide chart paper and markers for students to create a visual story plan.
- Once the planning is complete, students should individually write their stories on writing paper.
- Allow students to share their stories within their groups.
- Invite a few volunteers to read their stories aloud to the class.
- Assess students' story plans and their ability to write a creative story based on the assigned theme.
These lesson plans should provide a starting point for teaching the novel Front Desk by Kelly Yang to your 8-12 year old students. Feel free to modify them as needed to suit your specific classroom requirements and time constraints.