Lesson Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Objective 1 60 minutes The Magician's Elephant by Kate DiCamillo, chart paper, markers, sticky notes Introduce the book and discuss the concept of themes. Use a KWL chart to explore what the students already know and what they want to learn about the book. Read aloud a chapter from the book and have students identify the themes present. Discuss and record their findings on chart paper. In small groups, have students choose a theme and create a mini-poster using sticky notes to represent different aspects of the theme. Have students share their mini-posters and discuss the themes they explored. Summarize the lesson by reviewing the identified themes and their importance in the book. Observe students' participation during discussions and assess their understanding of the themes through their mini-posters.
Objective 2 60 minutes The Magician's Elephant by Kate DiCamillo, writing paper, pencils Recap the story of The Magician's Elephant by Kate DiCamillo. Explain that a summary is a brief overview of the main events in a story. Guide students in creating a summary by identifying the main characters, setting, and plot. Model writing a summary paragraph together. Then, have students work independently or in pairs to write their own summaries. Give students the opportunity to share their summaries with the class. Discuss the different approaches and key elements of a good summary. Review students' written summaries for accuracy, coherence, and understanding of the main events in the book.
Objective 3 60 minutes The Magician's Elephant by Kate DiCamillo, writing paper, pencils Discuss the purpose of a book review - to share opinions and recommendations about a book. Guide students in analyzing the different components of a book review, such as the plot, characters, writing style, and personal opinion. Model writing a book review together, focusing on one aspect of the book. Then, have students work independently or in pairs to write their own book reviews. Give students the opportunity to share their book reviews with the class. Discuss the different perspectives and evaluations of the book. Assess students' book reviews based on their ability to analyze and evaluate different aspects of the book, as well as their ability to express their opinions clearly.
Objective 4 120 minutes (divided into multiple sessions) The Magician's Elephant by Kate DiCamillo, writing paper, pencils, art supplies, presentation materials Discuss the concept of creating a story based on the themes of The Magician's Elephant by Kate DiCamillo. Brainstorm ideas together as a class. Guide students in creating a plan for their own stories, including the characters, setting, and plot. Encourage them to incorporate the themes of the book. Allow time for students to write, edit, and revise their stories. Provide support and feedback as needed. Give students the opportunity to present their stories to the class. Encourage them to use visuals or props to enhance their presentations. Assess students' stories based on their ability to create a coherent plot, develop characters, and incorporate the themes of The Magician's Elephant. Evaluate their presentations based on their creativity, organization, and engagement with the audience.