Lesson Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 Explore the themes of Eva's Journey 45 minutes The book "Eva's Journey" by Judi Curtin, large sheets of paper, markers Introduce the book and its author. Discuss the concept of themes in a story. Divide the class into small groups. Assign each group a theme from the book (e.g., friendship, family, courage). In their groups, ask the students to brainstorm examples of how this theme is portrayed in the story using the large sheets of paper and markers. Invite each group to present their findings. Facilitate a class discussion on the different themes identified and their significance in the story. Observe the students' participation and engagement during the group activity and class discussion.
Lesson 2 Write a summary of Eva's Journey 60 minutes The book "Eva's Journey" by Judi Curtin, pencils, paper Recap the main events and characters of the story. Explain the purpose of a summary and how it differs from a retelling. Model the process of summarizing a chapter of the book, highlighting key points. Provide time for the students to write their own summaries of the entire book or a selected section. Encourage them to focus on the main events and capture the essence of the story. Collect and review the students' summaries. Assess their ability to identify and summarize key points accurately.
Lesson 3 Write a review of Eva's Journey 60 minutes The book "Eva's Journey" by Judi Curtin, pencils, paper, sample book reviews (optional) Discuss the purpose and characteristics of a book review. Show examples of book reviews to provide guidance. Guide the students in analyzing the different elements of the story (plot, characters, writing style, etc.). Encourage them to express their opinions and support them with evidence from the book. Instruct the students to write their own book reviews of Eva's Journey, including their thoughts on the book and a recommendation for other readers. Review the students' book reviews and assess their ability to provide thoughtful opinions and effectively communicate their thoughts.
Lesson 4 Create an original story based on the themes of Eva's Journey 90 minutes Pencils, paper, markers, story planning template (optional) Recap the themes explored in Eva's Journey and discuss the process of creating a story. Provide a story planning template (if available) or guide the students through creating their own story plans, including characters, setting, and plot elements. Encourage them to incorporate one or more themes from Eva's Journey into their stories. Give the students time to write the first draft of their stories, emphasizing the importance of creativity and imagination. Ask the students to exchange their stories with a partner for peer editing and feedback. Assess their ability to incorporate the selected themes and effectively develop a story.