Lesson 1
Objective 1
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Whiteboard, markers, pictures of José de San Martín
Introduction: Introduce José de San Martín as a historical figure from South America.
Development: Discuss where and when José de San Martín lived and his role in history.
Conclusion: Ask students to share one interesting fact they learned about José de San Martín.
Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture of José de San Martín and write one sentence about him.
Lesson 2
Objective 2
Time Allocation: 50 minutes
Resources Needed: Books, videos about José de San Martín
Introduction: Review what students learned about José de San Martín in the previous lesson.
Development: Explore José de San Martín's contributions to society and culture.
Conclusion: Discuss the impact José de San Martín had on his time and how his work influenced the world.
Assessment: Ask students to write a short paragraph about why José de San Martín is an important historical figure.
Lesson 3
Objective 3
Time Allocation: 40 minutes
Resources Needed: Paper, colored pencils
Introduction: Discuss how historical figures like José de San Martín can connect to our lives.
Development: Brainstorm ways in which José de San Martín's values and actions can be applied to modern life.
Conclusion: Encourage students to reflect on how they can make a positive impact like José de San Martín.
Assessment: Have students write a short reflection on a time they showed leadership or bravery.
Lesson 4
Objective 4
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Poster boards, markers, printed timeline templates
Introduction: Introduce the concept of timelines and their importance in understanding history.
Development: Guide students in researching and creating a timeline of José de San Martín's life.
Conclusion: Have students present their timelines to the class and discuss key events in José de San Martín's life.
Assessment: Assess students based on the accuracy and creativity of their timelines.