| Lesson 1: Exploring the Basic Geography of Jordan | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Time Allocation:** 60 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** World map, pictures of Jordan, colored pencils, blank paper | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Introduction:** Begin by showing the students a world map and ask if they can locate Jordan. Discuss its location in relation to other countries in the Middle East. Show pictures of Jordan's landscape and ask students what they notice about it. | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Development:** Provide each student with a blank paper and colored pencils. Instruct them to draw and label the major physical features of Jordan, such as the Dead Sea, Wadi Rum, and the Jordan River. Encourage creativity and accuracy. | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Conclusion:** Have the students share their drawings and discuss the different features they included. Summarize the key points about Jordan's geography and ask if they have any questions. | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Assessment:** Assess the students' understanding by reviewing their drawings and checking if they have correctly labeled the major physical features. | | Lesson 2: Facts about the Capital City Amman | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Pictures of Amman, index cards, markers | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Introduction:** Show pictures of Amman's landmarks and ask the students if they can identify any of them. Discuss the importance of capital cities and why they are often significant. | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Development:** Provide each student with an index card and ask them to write down three facts about Amman. Encourage them to be specific and include details about its history, culture, or famous sites. | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Conclusion:** Have the students share their facts about Amman, one at a time. Discuss each fact as a class and add any additional information. Summarize the key points about Amman and ask if they have any questions. | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Assessment:** Assess the students' understanding by reviewing their index cards and checking if they have provided accurate and relevant facts about Amman. | | Lesson 3: Famous Landmarks in Jordan | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Time Allocation:** 40 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Pictures of famous landmarks in Jordan, paper, markers | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Introduction:** Show pictures of famous landmarks in Jordan, excluding those in Amman. Ask the students if they can identify any of the landmarks and discuss their significance. | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Development:** Provide each student with a piece of paper and ask them to choose one famous landmark in Jordan outside of Amman. Instruct them to draw and label the landmark, and write a short description of its importance. | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Conclusion:** Have the students share their drawings and descriptions of the landmarks they chose. Discuss each landmark as a class and add any additional information. Summarize the key points about famous landmarks in Jordan and ask if they have any questions. | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Assessment:** Assess the students' understanding by reviewing their drawings and descriptions, checking if they have accurately represented and described the famous landmarks in Jordan. | | Lesson 4: Creating a Tour Guide for Jordan | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Time Allocation:** 60 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Brochures or travel guides about Jordan, blank paper, markers, magazines or travel-related pictures | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Introduction:** Show examples of brochures or travel guides about different countries and discuss their purpose. Explain that the students will be creating a tour guide for a tourist planning to visit Jordan. | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Development:** Provide each student with blank paper and markers. Instruct them to create a tour guide by including information about Jordan's geography, Amman, famous landmarks, and other interesting facts. Encourage them to use pictures from magazines or draw their own. | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Conclusion:** Have the students present their tour guides to the class, explaining the different sections they included and why they chose specific information or pictures. Discuss the importance of providing accurate and useful information for tourists. | |---------------------------------------------------| | **Assessment:** Assess the students' understanding by reviewing their tour guides, checking if they have included relevant information about Jordan's geography, Amman, famous landmarks, and other interesting facts.