Lesson 1: Introduction to John Millington Synge

Time allocation: 45 minutes
Resources needed: Pictures of John Millington Synge
Objective: 1

Introduction: Show pictures of John Millington Synge and introduce him as a famous playwright from Ireland.
Development: Discuss where and when Synge lived, and what he is famous for. Children can take notes.
Conclusion: Recap the key points about Synge's life and work.
Assessment: Ask students to write a short paragraph about what they have learned about Synge.

Lesson 2: Contributions of John Millington Synge

Time allocation: 50 minutes
Resources needed: Play scripts written by Synge
Objective: 2

Introduction: Discuss the concept of contributions to society and culture.
Development: Read excerpts from Synge's plays and discuss their impact on Irish literature and culture.
Conclusion: Have a class discussion on how Synge's work has influenced the world.
Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture depicting a scene from one of Synge's plays.

Lesson 3: John Millington Synge and Me

Time allocation: 40 minutes
Resources needed: Paper and colored pencils
Objective: 3

Introduction: Discuss how historical figures can be connected to our own lives.
Development: Ask students to think about how they can relate to Synge's experiences or work.
Conclusion: Share some of the students' thoughts and reflections on the connection between Synge and themselves.
Assessment: Have students write a short paragraph about how they see a connection between themselves and Synge.

Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of John Millington Synge's Life

Time allocation: 60 minutes
Resources needed: Large chart paper, markers
Objective: 4

Introduction: Explain the concept of a timeline and its importance in understanding a person's life.
Development: Guide students in creating a timeline of Synge's life, including key events and achievements.
Conclusion: Present the timelines created by students and discuss the significance of each event.
Assessment: Assess the timelines based on accuracy and inclusion of important events.