Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 45 minutes Pictures of Jeff Koons' artwork, Balloon Dog - Show pictures of Jeff Koons' artwork, including Balloon Dog. Discuss his style and the use of everyday objects in his art.
- Ask students what they notice about Balloon Dog and what it represents to them.
- Have students create a sketch of Balloon Dog, focusing on its form and shape.
- Encourage them to think about the materials and techniques Koons might have used to create it.
- Share and discuss the sketches as a class.
- Ask students what they learned about Jeff Koons and Balloon Dog.
- Observe student participation and engagement during the discussion.
- Assess the quality of the sketches and the understanding of Koons' style.
Lesson 2 60 minutes Balloons, paint, brushes, paper, newspaper - Recap the previous lesson on Jeff Koons and Balloon Dog.
- Introduce the concept of working with balloons as a medium, inspired by Koons.
- Show examples of balloon art.
- Provide balloons, paint, brushes, and paper for students to create their own balloon art inspired by Balloon Dog.
- Encourage them to experiment with colors and patterns.
- Have a mini-exhibition where students display their balloon art.
- Discuss the different approaches and interpretations of Balloon Dog.
- Observe student creativity and exploration with the balloon medium.
- Assess the effort and originality of their balloon art.
Lesson 3 45 minutes Images of original artwork inspired by Balloon Dog - Show images of original artwork inspired by Balloon Dog.
- Discuss what elements make these artworks inspired by Balloon Dog.
- Provide art materials and ask students to create their own original artwork inspired by Balloon Dog.
- Encourage them to think about the form, color, and materials they want to use.
- Have students present their artwork and explain how it was inspired by Balloon Dog.
- Discuss the different interpretations and creative choices made.
- Observe student understanding and application of inspiration from Balloon Dog.
- Assess the creativity and effort put into their original artwork.
Lesson 4 60 minutes Canvas, acrylic paint, brushes, newspaper - Discuss the concept of painting and its history.
- Introduce the idea of creating a painting inspired by Balloon Dog.
- Provide canvases, acrylic paint, brushes, and newspaper for students to create their own painting inspired by Balloon Dog.
- Encourage them to think about the colors and shapes used by Koons.
- Create an art gallery in the classroom to showcase the paintings.
- Allow students to discuss and appreciate each other's work.
- Observe student creativity and technique in their paintings.
- Assess the use of colors and shapes inspired by Balloon Dog.
Lesson 5 30 minutes Digital camera, projector or computer with image editing software - Discuss different ways to share and present artwork.
- Introduce the idea of creating a digital presentation of the students' artwork inspired by Balloon Dog.
- Allow students to take pictures of their artwork using a digital camera.
- Show them how to edit and enhance the images using image editing software.
- Have a digital presentation where students showcase their artwork.
- Discuss the different ways their artwork can be shared digitally.
- Observe student engagement and understanding of digital presentation.
- Assess the quality of the edited images and the students' ability to present their work.
Lesson 6 45 minutes Blank cards, markers, scissors, glue - Discuss the concept of art as a gift and the different ways it can be shared.
- Introduce the idea of creating art cards inspired by Balloon Dog.
- Provide blank cards, markers, scissors, and glue for students to create their own art cards inspired by Balloon Dog.
- Encourage them to think about the recipient and the message they want to convey.
- Have students exchange and share their art cards.
- Discuss the different designs and messages conveyed.
- Observe student creativity and thoughtfulness in their art cards.
- Assess the effort and originality of their designs.