Objective 1: Exploring Themes
Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed:
- Copies of Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney
- Chart paper and markers
- Sticky notes

- Begin by discussing the concept of themes in literature.
- Introduce the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney and briefly explain the story.

- Divide the class into small groups and distribute copies of the book to each group.
- Instruct the groups to read specific chapters of the book and identify the themes present.
- Provide sticky notes for the groups to write down their findings.
- Gather the groups together and ask each group to share their identified themes.
- Create a chart paper with the shared themes.
- Discuss the themes as a whole class and encourage students to provide examples from the book.

- Recap the themes discussed and highlight their importance in the story.
- Encourage students to think about how these themes relate to their own lives.

- Observe students' participation during the group discussions and their ability to identify themes.
Objective 2: Writing a Summary
Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed:
- Copies of Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney
- Writing materials

- Review the story of Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney with the students.
- Explain the purpose of writing a summary and its main components.

- Instruct students to individually read the book or specific chapters, depending on their reading level.
- Provide a graphic organizer or template for writing a summary.
- Guide students in identifying the main events and key details of the story.
- Model how to write a summary using the graphic organizer or template.
- Give students time to write their own summaries.

- Allow students to share their summaries with the class if they feel comfortable.
- Discuss the importance of conciseness and clarity in writing summaries.

- Evaluate students' written summaries based on their ability to accurately summarize the main events of the story.
Objective 3: Writing a Review
Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed:
- Copies of Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney
- Writing materials

- Discuss the purpose of writing a book review and its main components.
- Provide examples of book reviews to the class.

- Instruct students to individually read the book or specific chapters, depending on their reading level.
- Guide students in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the book.
- Discuss the characters, plot, writing style, and overall impression of the book.
- Model how to write a book review by focusing on specific aspects.
- Give students time to write their own book reviews.

- Allow students to share their book reviews with the class if they feel comfortable.
- Discuss the importance of providing constructive feedback and personal opinions in book reviews.

- Assess students' book reviews based on their ability to provide thoughtful analysis and articulate their opinions.
Objective 4: Creating a Story
Time Allocation: 120 minutes (divided into multiple sessions)

Resources Needed:
- Chart paper and markers
- Writing materials
- Story planning templates (optional)

- Review the themes and main elements of Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney.
- Explain the process of planning, writing, editing, and presenting a story.

- Brainstorm ideas for a new story that incorporates the themes of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
- Guide students in creating a story plan, outlining the main characters, setting, and plot.
- Provide writing time for students to develop their stories.
- Encourage students to revise and edit their stories for clarity and coherence.
- Allow students to present their stories to the class, either orally or through written formats.

- Celebrate students' creativity and storytelling skills by providing positive feedback.
- Discuss the importance of revising and editing to improve the quality of writing.

- Evaluate students' story plans and final written presentations based on their ability to develop engaging characters, plot, and incorporate the themes of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.