Lesson Plan Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 Explore the basic geography of Japan 60 minutes World map, pictures of Japan, colored pencils/markers, worksheets Begin by showing a world map and locating Japan. Discuss its location and geographical features. Provide pictures of Japan's mountains, rivers, and coastline. Ask students to color and label these features on their worksheets. Review and discuss the completed worksheets. Informal observation of students' participation and completion of worksheets.
Lesson 2 Identify at least 3 facts about the capital city Tokyo 45 minutes Pictures of Tokyo, fact cards about Tokyo Show pictures of Tokyo and briefly introduce the city. Provide fact cards about Tokyo and have students read them. In pairs or small groups, ask students to discuss and choose three interesting facts about Tokyo to share with the class. Each group presents their chosen facts about Tokyo to the class. Participation in group discussion and presentation.
Lesson 3 Identify 1 famous landmark in Japan outside of Tokyo 45 minutes Pictures of famous landmarks in Japan, index cards Show pictures of famous landmarks in Japan (excluding Tokyo) and briefly discuss their significance. Provide each student with an index card. Ask them to choose one landmark and draw a picture of it on the front, and write a short description on the back. Students share their chosen landmark and its description with their classmates. Observation of student participation and sharing of information.
Lesson 4 Produce a tour guide for a tourist planning on visiting Japan 60 minutes Information about Japan, paper, art supplies Discuss the purpose of a tour guide and its importance for tourists. Provide students with information about Japan's culture, traditions, attractions, and cuisine. In groups, ask students to create a tour guide with different sections such as "Must-Visit Places," "Local Foods to Try," "Traditional Customs," etc. Each group presents their tour guide to the class, explaining their choices and recommendations. Evaluation of the tour guide based on creativity, accuracy, and presentation.