Lesson 1: Discovering Jan Palach
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Jan Palach, map of Czechoslovakia
Introduction: Introduce Jan Palach as a historical figure from Czechoslovakia. Show pictures and locate the country on the map.
Development: Discuss when and where Jan Palach lived, and why he is famous. Children to research and share their findings.
Conclusion: Recap key points about Jan Palach's life and significance.
Assessment: Ask students to write a short paragraph summarizing what they have learned about Jan Palach.
Lesson 2: Exploring Jan Palach's Contributions
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Articles about Jan Palach's protest, art supplies
Introduction: Discuss the impact Jan Palach had on society and culture. Emphasize his protest against the Soviet invasion.
Development: Children to create artwork inspired by Jan Palach's protest. Discuss how art can be used as a form of expression.
Conclusion: Display and discuss the children's artwork, highlighting the messages they convey.
Assessment: Evaluate the artwork based on creativity and understanding of Jan Palach's contributions.
Lesson 3: Connecting Jan Palach to Your Life
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Paper, markers
Introduction: Lead a discussion on how Jan Palach's actions relate to the children's lives. Encourage empathy and critical thinking.
Development: Children to write or draw about a cause they feel strongly about, inspired by Jan Palach's dedication.
Conclusion: Share and discuss the children's reflections on connecting to Jan Palach's story.
Assessment: Assess the children's responses for understanding and personal connection.
Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Jan Palach's Life
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Jan Palach's biography, large paper, markers
Introduction: Explain the concept of a timeline and its importance in understanding history. Show examples.
Development: Children to create a timeline of Jan Palach's life, including key events and dates.
Conclusion: Present and discuss the timelines, highlighting important moments in Jan Palach's life.
Assessment: Evaluate the timelines based on accuracy and completeness.
Lesson 5: Jan Palach's Impact on the World
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Video clips, articles about Jan Palach's legacy
Introduction: Discuss how Jan Palach's actions influenced the world and inspired others.
Development: Watch video clips or read articles about people influenced by Jan Palach. Discuss their stories.
Conclusion: Reflect on the lasting impact of Jan Palach's actions and the power of individuals to make a difference.
Assessment: Ask students to write a short reflection on how Jan Palach's story has inspired them.
Lesson 6: Jan Palach's Cultural Significance
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Music from Jan Palach's era, photos of Prague Spring
Introduction: Explore the cultural context of Jan Palach's protest during the Prague Spring.
Development: Listen to music from the era and discuss its themes. Show photos of the Prague Spring events.
Conclusion: Reflect on how Jan Palach's actions were part of a larger cultural movement.
Assessment: Have students create a piece of art or music inspired by the Prague Spring events.